Setting up Python

The analysis presented in the manuscript and detailed next is carried out with Python 3 (the following code runs and gives identical results with Python 2). We are going to use the 3 classical modules of Python's scientific ecosystem: numpy, scipy and matplotlib. We are also going to use two additional modules: sympy as well as h5py. We start by importing these modules:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
import scipy
import h5py

Python 2 users must also type: from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import

Getting the data

Our data (Pouzat and Chaffiol,2015) are stored in HDF5 format on the zenodo server (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1428145). They are all contained in a file named CockroachDataJNM_2009_181_119.h5. The data within this file have an hierarchical organization similar to the one of a file system (one of the main ideas of the HDF5 format). The first organization level is the experiment; there are 4 experiments in the file: e060517, e060817, e060824 and e070528. Each experiment is organized by neurons, Neuron1, Neuron2, etc, (with a number of recorded neurons depending on the experiment). Each neuron contains a dataset (in the HDF5 terminology) named spont containing the spike train of that neuron recorded during a period of spontaneous activity. Each neuron also contains one or several further sub-levels named after the odor used for stimulation citronellal, terpineol, mixture, etc. Each a these sub-levels contains as many datasets: stim1, stim2, etc, as stimulations were applied; and each of these data sets contains the spike train of that neuron for the corresponding stimulation. Another dataset, named stimOnset containing the onset time of the stimulus (for each of the stimulations). All these times are measured in seconds.

The data can be downloaded with Python as follows:

In [ ]:
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve # Python 3
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlretrieve # Python 2

name_on_disk = 'CockroachDataJNM_2009_181_119.h5'

The file is opened with:

In [2]:
f = h5py.File("CockroachDataJNM_2009_181_119.h5","r")

Making the raster plots

We make our raster plots with a short function raster_plot that we define with:

In [3]:
def raster_plot(train_list,
                color = 'black'):
    """Create a raster plot.

    train_list: a list of spike trains (1d vector with strictly
      increasing elements).
    stim_onst: a number giving the time of stimulus onset. If
      specificied, the time are realigned such that the stimulus
      comes at 0.
    color: the color of the ticks representing the spikes.

    Side effect:
    A raster plot is created.
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if stim_onset is None:
        stim_onset = 0
    for idx,trial in enumerate(train_list):

The raster plots of the responses of Neuron 1 to citronellal and terpineol are then obtained with:

In [11]:
citron_onset = f["e060817/Neuron1/citronellal/stimOnset"][...][0]
e060817citron = [[f[y][...] for y in
                   for x in range(1,21)]]
                 for i in range(1,4)]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))
plt.xlabel("Time (s)",fontdict={'fontsize':15})
terpi_onset = f["e060817/Neuron1/terpineol/stimOnset"][...][0]
e060817terpi = [[f[y][...] for y in
                  for x in range(1,21)]]
                for i in range(1,4)]
plt.xlabel("Time (s)",fontdict={'fontsize':15})
/home/xtof/anaconda3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):

Choosing the initial bin size

The bin width should be chosen large enough to have a few events per bin most of the time. We set this width such that an expected number of 3 events per bin was obtained using the spontaneous frequency estimated from 60 seconds long recordings without stimulus presentation—more specifically, the width was set to the smallest millisecond larger or equal to the targeted count divided by the product of the spontaneous frequency and the number of trials.

For the neurons of the data set we get the following spontaneous discharge rates:

In [12]:
e060817_spont_nu = [len(f["e060817/Neuron"+str(i)+"/spont"])/60
                    for i in range(1,4)] 
print("The spontaneous discharge rates are:")
for i in range(len(e060817_spont_nu)):
    print("  Neuron {0}: {1:.2f} (Hz)".format(i+1,e060817_spont_nu[i]))
The spontaneous discharge rates are:
  Neuron 1: 8.82 (Hz)
  Neuron 2: 20.48 (Hz)
  Neuron 3: 13.02 (Hz)

Building the initial PSTH and stablizing them

For the citronellal response of Neuron 1 we do:

In [19]:
target_mean = 3
n_stim_citron = len(e060817citron[0])
n1citron = np.sort(np.concatenate(e060817citron[0]))
left = -5+citron_onset
right = 6+citron_onset
n1citron = n1citron[np.logical_and(left <= n1citron,n1citron <= right)]-citron_onset
bin_width_citron = np.ceil(target_mean/n_stim_citron/e060817_spont_nu[0]*1000)/1000
n1citron_bin = np.arange(-5,6+bin_width_citron,bin_width_citron)
n1citron_counts, n1citron_bin = np.histogram(n1citron,n1citron_bin)
n1citron_stab = 2*np.sqrt(n1citron_counts+0.25)
n1citron_x = n1citron_bin[:-1]+bin_width_citron/2

For the terpineol response we do:

In [20]:
n_stim_terpi = len(e060817terpi[0])
n1terpi = np.sort(np.concatenate(e060817terpi[0]))
left = -5+terpi_onset
right = 6+terpi_onset
n1terpi = n1terpi[np.logical_and(left <= n1terpi,n1terpi <= right)]-terpi_onset
bin_width_terpi = np.ceil(target_mean/n_stim_terpi/e060817_spont_nu[0]*1000)/1000
n1terpi_bin = np.arange(-5,6+bin_width_terpi,bin_width_terpi)
n1terpi_counts, n1terpi_bin = np.histogram(n1terpi,n1terpi_bin)
n1terpi_stab = 2*np.sqrt(n1terpi_counts+0.25)
n1terpi_x = n1terpi_bin[:-1]+bin_width_terpi/2

For the even and odd stimuli terpineol responses we do:

In [22]:
n1terpi_even = np.sort(np.concatenate(e060817terpi[0][0:20:2]))
n1terpi_even = n1terpi_even[np.logical_and(left <= n1terpi_even,n1terpi_even <= right)]-terpi_onset
bin_width_terpi_even = np.ceil(target_mean/n_stim_terpi/e060817_spont_nu[0]*1000)/1000/2
n1terpi_even_bin = np.arange(-5,6+bin_width_terpi_even,bin_width_terpi_even)
n1terpi_even_counts, n1terpi_even_bin = np.histogram(n1terpi_even,n1terpi_even_bin)
n1terpi_even_stab = 2*np.sqrt(n1terpi_even_counts+0.25)

n1terpi_odd = np.sort(np.concatenate(e060817terpi[0][1:20:2]))
n1terpi_odd = n1terpi_odd[np.logical_and(left <= n1terpi_odd,n1terpi_odd <= right)]-terpi_onset
bin_width_terpi_odd = np.ceil(target_mean/n_stim_terpi/e060817_spont_nu[0]*1000)/1000/2
n1terpi_odd_bin = np.arange(-5,6+bin_width_terpi_odd,bin_width_terpi_odd)
n1terpi_odd_counts, n1terpi_odd_bin = np.histogram(n1terpi_odd,n1terpi_odd_bin)
n1terpi_odd_stab = 2*np.sqrt(n1terpi_odd_counts+0.25)
n1terpi_odd_x = n1terpi_odd_bin[:-1]+bin_width_terpi_odd/2

We define two functions returning the boundaries:

In [24]:
def c95(x): return 0.299958+2.348443*np.sqrt(x)

def c99(x): return 0.312456+2.890606*np.sqrt(x)

We just have to make the graph after computing the cumsum of the differences:

In [28]:
n1_diff_y = (n1terpi_stab-n1citron_stab)/np.sqrt(2)
X1 = np.arange(1,len(n1terpi_x)+1)/len(n1terpi_x)
Y1 = np.cumsum(n1_diff_y)/np.sqrt(len(n1_diff_y))
n1_diff_terpi_y = (n1terpi_even_stab-n1terpi_odd_stab)/np.sqrt(2)
X2 = np.arange(1,len(n1terpi_odd_x)+1)/len(n1terpi_odd_x)
Y2 = np.cumsum(n1_diff_terpi_y)/np.sqrt(len(n1_diff_terpi_y))  
xx = np.linspace(0,1,201)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
plt.xlabel("Normalized time",fontdict={'fontsize':20})
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f9095e637f0>

Before closing the session we close our file:

In [30]: