A "Simple" Simulator for the Galves-Löcherbach Model

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 Basic numbers and data features

We want to write a simulator in C for the Galves-Löcherbach Model in order to generate test data for the Duarte et al (2016) inference algorithm. Since the inference will later on be applied to the locust antennal lobe1 data sets, we are going to try to simulate data that more or less look like the real ones. From this view point the following features will be considered2:

  • There are 830 projection neurons (PN) in the antennal lobe, these neurons are excitatory (cholinergic) and fire sodium dependent, propagated, action potentials (that is, classical action potentials).
  • There are 300 local neurons (LN) in this structure; they are inhibitory (gabaergic) and fire calcium dependent, local, action potentials.
  • The extracellular recordings used to get the data we are going to work on do not catch the calcium spikes of the LN, we therefore see a single cell type, the PN.

It makes sense to model / simulate only the PN population using "a trick": both excitatory and inhibitory are allowed between PNs. The inhibitory connections are functional ones as opposed to an anatomical one, they are due to one or several interposed LNs3 that are not simulated.

1.2 Synaptic weights, leak functions and function \(\varphi\)

Adopting the framework and the notations of Duarte et al (2016) we will be dealing with two populations of synaptic weights (\(W_{j\rightarrow i}\)) one with relatively small (in absolute value) negative values corresponding to inhibitory coupling (via an interposed LN) and another one with relatively large positive values corresponding to direct excitatory coupling. We will start with a uniform and "large" probability of inhibitory coupling and a uniform and "small" probability of excitatory, coupling.

1.2.1 \(\varphi\)

The functions \(\varphi_i\) in equations 2.2 and 2.3 in Duarte et al 2016 are going to be the same with the following form depending on two parameters, \(\varphi_0\) and \(k\), set at the beginning of each simulation: \[\varphi(u) = \varphi_0 + \mathrm{H}(u) (1-\varphi_0) \left(1-\exp(-u/k)\right)^2 \, , \] where \(\mathrm{H}(u)\) stands for Heaviside step function (equal to zero for negative \(u\) and 1 otherwise). If I'm not mistaken, the parameter \(\gamma\) of assumption 1 is then: \[\gamma = \frac{1-\varphi_0}{2 k} \, .\]

1.2.2 Synaptic leak functions

We are going to work with two types of "synaptic leak" functions—the \(g_i(\,)\) —one for excitatory and one for inhibitory inputs. The excitatory one will be: \[g_e(t) = \exp\left(-(t-d_e)/\tau_e\right) \quad \text{for} \quad t \ge d_e \, ,\] where \(d_e\) stands for the synaptic delay and \(\tau_e\) the synaptic time constant. For the inhibitory inputs we are going to use what modelers (in neuroscience) call an alpha function: \[g_i(t) = \frac{t-d_i}{\tau_i} \exp \left( 1- \frac{t-d_i}{\tau_i}\right) \quad \text{for} \quad t \ge d_i \, .\]

The graph of this function looks like (I'm using gnuplot to prepare the figures in this document and I include the codes generating the figures):

set xlabel "Time since presynaptic spike"
set ylabel "Relative synaptic conductance"
plot [0:50] [0:1] (x-1)/5*exp(1-(x-1)/5) lw 2 lc rgb "black"


1.3 Required software

The code will be written in C. If you want a clear and quick introduction to this language, check Ben Klemens: Modeling With Data. To compile the code you will need a C compiler like gcc. If you are using Linux or MacOS it's in a package from your favorite distribution, if you are using Windows you will have to install Cygwin. The heavy computational work is going to be performed mainly by the gsl (the GNU Scientific Library) that is easily installed through your package manager (from now on, for windows users, the "package manager" refers to the one of Cygwin). We are going to make extensive use of "variable length" arrays, where the spike times of our simulated neurons are going to be stored—and we do not know when we start a simulation how many spikes each neuron is going to fire—; we will use the GArray data type from libglib, a library that should be available from the package manager on Linux and MacOS and that is available from Cygwin's package manager for Windows. The graphs will be generated with gnuplot as you just saw.

2 Code

2.1 A remark on the code presentation

The literate programming approach is used here. This means that the code is broken into "manageable" pieces that are individually explained, they are then pasted together to give the code that will actually get compiled. These manageable pieces are called blocs and each bloc gets a name like: <<name-of-the-bloc>> upon definition. It is then referred to by this name when used in subsequent codes. See Schulte, Davison, Dye and Dominik (2010) A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate Programming and Reproducible Research for further explanations.

2.2 \(W_{j\rightarrow i}\) generation

We are going to start with a simple scheme for each pair \((j,i)\) where \(j\) is presynaptic and \(i\) is postsynaptic we:

  1. Draw a (pseudo-)random number with a uniform distribution on \([0,1)\); if this number is larger than p_i (a parameter of our program) then we go to 2, otherwise we "create" an inhibitory connection between \(j\) and \(i\) and we draw it weight uniformly between w_i_min and w_i_max (both < 0 and parameters of the program).
  2. Draw a random number with a uniform distribution on \([0,1)\); if this number is larger than p_e (a parameter of our program) then we go to the next pair, otherwise we "create" an excitatory connection between \(j\) and \(i\) and we draw it weight uniformly between w_e_min and w_e_max (both > 0 and parameters of the program) and we go to the next pair.

2.3 Bookkeeping

Each neuron is going to be uniquely identified by it's index, an integer running from 0 to I-1. Two arrays and an unsigned integer (a size_t) are going to be associated to each neuron:

  • The unsigned integer contains the number of presynaptic connections (excitatory + inhibitory). We will call size this element.
  • An array of unsigned integers (I'm referring here to the corresponding C types) containing the indices of its presynaptic neurons. We will call this array idx and it will be a pointer to a gsl_vector_uint.
  • An array of reals (double in C terminology) containing the corresponding \(W_{j\rightarrow i}\) values (< 0 for inhibitory connections and > 0 for excitatory ones). We will call this array w and it will be pointer to a gsl_vector (we do not need an extension like the _uint above, since the gsl_vector is of type double by default).

Notice that with these choices a single neuron can appear twice in idx because it could form a (direct) excitatory connection and an indirect (via a LN) inhibitory connection with the considered neuron. This is a peculiarity of the network we are modeling here and not a general property of actual networks (in general the contrary is true).

In C the logical step is then to define a new type containing different elements, that is a new structure that we will call presynaptic and that is declared as follows:

typedef struct
  size_t size;
  gsl_vector_uint * idx;
  gsl_vector * w; 
} presynaptic;

2.4 Connection graph generation and associated functions

2.4.1 mk_graph

We can now define a C function that creates a random graph following the above prescription. This function takes 8 parameters:

  • n_neurons (size_t—a type of unsigned integer used for indexing—): the number of neurons in the network.
  • p_e (double): the probability of excitatory connection.
  • w_e_min (double): the minimal excitatory weight.
  • w_e_max (double): the maximal excitatory weight.
  • p_i (double): the probability of inhibitory connection.
  • w_i_min (double): the minimal inhibitory weight.
  • w_i_max (double): the maximal inhibitory weight.
  • r (a pointer to a gsl_rng): a pointer on an allocated gsl_rng.

The function returns a pointer to a pointer to presynaptic structures is everything goes fine and a NULL pointer otherwise (together with a message printed on the stderr).

presynaptic ** mk_graph(size_t n_neurons,
			double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
			double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
			gsl_rng * r)
  // Check that the parameters are correct
  if (p_e < 0 || p_e > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_e <= 1.\n");
      return NULL;
  if (p_i < 0 || p_i > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_i <= 1.\n");
      return NULL;
  if (w_e_min <= 0 || w_e_max <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Excitatory weights must be > 0.\n");
      return NULL;
  if (w_e_min >= w_e_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_e_min < w_e_max.\n");
      return NULL;
  if (w_i_min >= 0 || w_i_max >= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Inhibitory weights must be < 0.\n");
      return NULL;
  if (w_i_min >= w_i_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_i_min < w_i_max.\n");
      return NULL;
  // allocate memory for the result
  presynaptic **graph = malloc(n_neurons*sizeof(presynaptic*));
  for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx < n_neurons; n_idx++)
    { // For each postsynaptic neuron
      uint idx[n_neurons*2];
      double w[n_neurons*2];
      size_t n=0; // counts the number of actual connections
      for (size_t pre_idx=0; pre_idx < n_neurons; pre_idx++)
	{ // For each potential presynaptic neuron
	  if (pre_idx == n_idx) continue; // No autapses!
	  if(gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= p_e)
	    {// there is an excitatory connection
	      idx[n]=pre_idx; // add it to the list
	      w[n]=gsl_ran_flat(r,w_e_min,w_e_max); // draw its weight
	      n++; // increase n by 1
	  if(gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= p_i)
	    {// there is an inhibitory connection
	      idx[n]=pre_idx; // add it to the list
	      w[n]=gsl_ran_flat(r,w_i_min,w_i_max); // draw its weight
	      n++; // increase n by 1
	} // End of loop on each potential presynaptic neuron
      // Initialize the presynaptic structure for neuron n_idx
      // Start by allocating the required memory
      graph[n_idx] = malloc(sizeof(presynaptic));
      if (n > 0)
	 graph[n_idx]->w = gsl_vector_alloc(n);
	 graph[n_idx]->idx = gsl_vector_uint_alloc(n);
	 // Assign values
	 for (size_t pre_idx=0; pre_idx < n; pre_idx++)
  return graph;

Notice that with this definition, if a presynaptic neuron makes two connections with a postsynaptic one (an excitatory and an inhibitory) the corresponding weights are one after the other in the corresponding w element of the presynaptic structure. This will be exploited when the spike trains will be generated.

2.4.2 free_graph

Since function mk_graph allocates memory, we have to free this memory before leaving our program; this will be the job of free_graph. It takes a two parameters:

  • graph (pointer to pointer to presynapic).
  • n_neurons (size_t): the number of neurons.

It returns 0 if everything goes fine.

int free_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons)
  for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx<n_neurons; n_idx++)
      if (graph[n_idx]->size > 0)
  return 0;

2.4.3 print_graph

To facilitate testing, we define function print_graph that prints to the stdout the graph with one "paragraph" per postsynaptic neuron, starting with a line Postsynaptic neuron: i and followed by as many lines as connections, each of those line being built following this scheme:

  • W(j -> i) = value, where j and i are integers and where value is a real.

One blank line is left between paragraphs. The functions takes the same arguments as function free_graph.

int print_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons)
  for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx<n_neurons; n_idx++)
      fprintf(stdout,"Postsynaptic neuron: %d\n",(int) n_idx);
      if (graph[n_idx]->size > 0)
	 for (size_t pre_idx=0; pre_idx<graph[n_idx]->size; pre_idx++)
	     fprintf(stdout,"\t W(%d -> %d) = %g\n",
		     (int) gsl_vector_uint_get(graph[n_idx]->idx,pre_idx),
		     (int) n_idx,
  return 0;

2.4.4 Test code

We now write a program that tests our collection of functions. This program takes from the command line the following parameters:

  • n_neurons: the number of neurons in the network.
  • p_e: the probability of excitatory connection (default set at 0.1).
  • w_e_min: the minimal weight of excitatory connections (default set at 0.2).
  • w_e_max: the maximal weight of excitatory connections (default set at 0.4).
  • p_i: the probability of inhibitory connection (default set at 0.2).
  • w_i_min: the minimal weight of inhibitory connections (default set at -0.1).
  • w_i_max: the maximal weight of inhibitory connections (default set at -0.05).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector_uint.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>


presynaptic ** mk_graph(size_t n_neurons,
			double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
			double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
			gsl_rng * r);

int free_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons);

int print_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons);

void print_usage_test_graph();

int read_args_test_graph(int argc, char ** argv,
			 size_t * n_neurons,
			 double * p_e, double * w_e_min, double * w_e_max,
			 double * p_i, double * w_i_min, double * w_i_max);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  size_t n_neurons;
  double p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max;
  double p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max;

  int status = read_args_test_graph(argc, argv, &n_neurons,
				    &p_e, &w_e_min, &w_e_max,
				    &p_i, &w_i_min, &w_i_max);

  if (status == -1) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  const gsl_rng_type * T;
  gsl_rng * r;

  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);

  presynaptic **graph=mk_graph(n_neurons,
			       p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max,
			       p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max,
  gsl_rng_free (r);
  print_graph(graph, n_neurons);
  free_graph(graph, n_neurons);
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); 






The <<print_usage_test_graph>> function is defined next:

void print_usage_test_graph() {
  printf("Usage: \n"
	 "  --n_neurons <positive integer>: the number of neurons in the "
	 "  --p_e <double in (0,1)>: the probability of excitatory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the minimal excitatory synaptic "
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the maximal excitatory synaptic "
	 "  --p_i <double in (0,1)>: the probability of inhibitory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_i_min <negative double>: the minimal inhibitory synaptic "
	 "  --w_i_max <negative double>: the maximal inhibitory synaptic "
	 "The connection probalities are uniform. The synaptic weights "
	 "are drawn from\n"
	 "uniform distributions.\n"
	 "The rng seed can be set through the GSL_RNG_SEED environment "
	 "The rng type can be set through the GSL_RNG_TYPE environment "

The <<read_args_test_graph>> is now defined:

int read_args_test_graph(int argc, char ** argv,
			 size_t * n_neurons,
			 double * p_e, double * w_e_min, double * w_e_max,
			 double * p_i, double * w_i_min, double * w_i_max)
  if (argc == 1) {
    return -1;
  // Define default values
  *p_e = 0.1;
  *w_e_min = 0.2;
  *w_e_max = 0.4;
  *p_i = 0.2;
  *w_i_min = -0.1;
  *w_i_max = -0.05;
  {int opt;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
    int long_index =0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc,argv,"hn:a:b:c:d:e:f:",long_options,\
			      &long_index)) != -1) {
      switch(opt) {
      case 'n':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of neurons should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  *n_neurons=(size_t) n; 
      case 'a': *p_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'b': *w_e_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'c': *w_e_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'd': *p_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'e': *w_i_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'f': *w_i_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'h': print_usage_test_graph();
	return -1;
      default : print_usage_test_graph();
	return -1;
  // Check that the parameters are correct
  if (*p_e < 0 || *p_e > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_e <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*p_i < 0 || *p_i > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_i <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_e_min <= 0 || *w_e_max <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Excitatory weights must be > 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_e_min >= *w_e_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_e_min < w_e_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_i_min >= 0 || *w_i_max >= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Inhibitory weights must be < 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_i_min >= *w_i_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_i_min < w_i_max.\n");
      return -1;
  return 0;

To facilitate compilation we define a makefile that we save in a file called Makefile:

CFLAGS= -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11
LDLIBS= `pkg-config --libs gsl` 

$(P): $(OBJECTS)

The compilation is then done with the command:

make P=test_graph
cc -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11    test_graph.c  `pkg-config --libs gsl`  -o test_graph

A first test is done with:

./test_graph --n_neurons 8
Postsynaptic neuron: 0
	 W(1 -> 0) = -0.0858691

Postsynaptic neuron: 1
	 W(3 -> 1) = -0.083323
	 W(7 -> 1) = -0.0851737

Postsynaptic neuron: 2
	 W(0 -> 2) = -0.0675937
	 W(3 -> 2) = -0.0650366
	 W(4 -> 2) = -0.0748798
	 W(6 -> 2) = 0.225625
	 W(7 -> 2) = 0.258428

Postsynaptic neuron: 3
	 W(2 -> 3) = -0.077959
	 W(4 -> 3) = 0.262259

Postsynaptic neuron: 4
	 W(2 -> 4) = 0.267746
	 W(2 -> 4) = -0.0781729
	 W(7 -> 4) = -0.0627957

Postsynaptic neuron: 5
	 W(2 -> 5) = 0.322613
	 W(4 -> 5) = -0.0844606

Postsynaptic neuron: 6
	 W(3 -> 6) = -0.0938533
	 W(4 -> 6) = 0.364014
	 W(4 -> 6) = -0.0842127
	 W(5 -> 6) = -0.0667785
	 W(7 -> 6) = -0.0781828

Postsynaptic neuron: 7

A second test is done with:

./test_graph --n_neurons=8 --p_e=1.0
Postsynaptic neuron: 0
	 W(1 -> 0) = 0.232582
	 W(2 -> 0) = 0.246331
	 W(3 -> 0) = 0.348861
	 W(4 -> 0) = 0.351989
	 W(5 -> 0) = 0.360881
	 W(6 -> 0) = 0.295106
	 W(7 -> 0) = 0.242638
	 W(7 -> 0) = -0.083323

Postsynaptic neuron: 1
	 W(0 -> 1) = 0.388743
	 W(2 -> 1) = 0.333113
	 W(3 -> 1) = 0.236457
	 W(4 -> 1) = 0.212584
	 W(5 -> 1) = 0.327426
	 W(6 -> 1) = 0.339853
	 W(6 -> 1) = -0.0935379
	 W(7 -> 1) = 0.241556

Postsynaptic neuron: 2
	 W(0 -> 2) = 0.225625
	 W(1 -> 2) = 0.258428
	 W(3 -> 2) = 0.286369
	 W(3 -> 2) = -0.0799804
	 W(4 -> 2) = 0.234134
	 W(5 -> 2) = 0.262259
	 W(6 -> 2) = 0.302206
	 W(7 -> 2) = 0.232162

Postsynaptic neuron: 3
	 W(0 -> 3) = 0.335521
	 W(1 -> 3) = 0.218022
	 W(2 -> 3) = 0.287308
	 W(4 -> 3) = 0.355507
	 W(5 -> 3) = 0.274086
	 W(6 -> 3) = 0.348817
	 W(7 -> 3) = 0.324391

Postsynaptic neuron: 4
	 W(0 -> 4) = 0.322613
	 W(1 -> 4) = 0.34476
	 W(1 -> 4) = -0.0978848
	 W(2 -> 4) = 0.224328
	 W(3 -> 4) = 0.288026
	 W(5 -> 4) = 0.286525
	 W(6 -> 4) = 0.328473
	 W(7 -> 4) = 0.224587
	 W(7 -> 4) = -0.0589964

Postsynaptic neuron: 5
	 W(0 -> 5) = 0.263149
	 W(0 -> 5) = -0.0928886
	 W(1 -> 5) = 0.337038
	 W(1 -> 5) = -0.0781828
	 W(2 -> 5) = 0.373633
	 W(2 -> 5) = -0.0757779
	 W(3 -> 5) = 0.380095
	 W(3 -> 5) = -0.0660182
	 W(4 -> 5) = 0.396731
	 W(6 -> 5) = 0.398969
	 W(7 -> 5) = 0.327789

Postsynaptic neuron: 6
	 W(0 -> 6) = 0.238319
	 W(1 -> 6) = 0.399345
	 W(1 -> 6) = -0.067423
	 W(2 -> 6) = 0.277996
	 W(3 -> 6) = 0.322041
	 W(4 -> 6) = 0.335543
	 W(5 -> 6) = 0.216277
	 W(5 -> 6) = -0.07604
	 W(7 -> 6) = 0.294396

Postsynaptic neuron: 7
	 W(0 -> 7) = 0.266911
	 W(1 -> 7) = 0.330709
	 W(2 -> 7) = 0.219985
	 W(3 -> 7) = 0.248228
	 W(4 -> 7) = 0.284679
	 W(5 -> 7) = 0.373768
	 W(5 -> 7) = -0.0917077
	 W(6 -> 7) = 0.321291

2.5 Bookkeeping again

Now that we have a defined network to simulate we have to decide how this network activity, that is the spike trains of each neuron, are going to be stored. The "nasty" part is that we do not know at the start (of the simulation) how many spikes each neuron is going to generate. This could orient us to a linked list storage but we should keep in mind that we will have to "visit" the spike trains of each neuron at each time step of the simulation; we therefore want something like an extensible memory with fast access. A quick and clean way to get that is using the Glib Array type GArray.

2.5.1 A test with Glib

In order to make sure that our Glib set up is fine, let us try the first example of the Basic operations of arrays from the IBM tutorial we referred to before. We write the following code in a file named ex-garray-1.c:

#include <glib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(char*));
 char* first = "hello", *second = "there", *third = "world";
 g_array_append_val(a, first);
 g_array_append_val(a, second);
 g_array_append_val(a, third);
 printf("There are now %d items in the array\n", a->len);
 printf("The first item is '%s'\n", g_array_index(a, char*, 0));
 printf("The third item is '%s'\n", g_array_index(a, char*, 2));
 g_array_remove_index(a, 1);
 printf("There are now %d items in the array\n", a->len);
 g_array_free(a, FALSE);
 return 0;

We compile it with (adapted from the top of the same document):

gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0` -o ex-garray-1 ex-garray-1.c

And we run it with:

There are now 3 items in the array
The first item is 'hello'
The third item is 'world'
There are now 2 items in the array

2.5.2 An array of GArrays

We will store our spike trains in an array of GArrays that we will call, guess it, history (the \(\mathcal{F}_t\) of the article). Let us write a short function malloc_garrays2 that allocates the memory required by this array of GArrays. The function takes a single parameter:

  • n_neurons (size_t): the number of neurons in the model, that is, the number of GArrays.
GArray ** malloc_garrays2(size_t n_neurons)
  GArray **result=malloc(n_neurons*sizeof(GArray*));
  for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx < n_neurons; n_idx++)
      result[n_idx] = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int), 1024);
  return result;  

We write next a function, free_garrays2, that frees the memory taken up by an array of GArrays. The function takes two parameters:

  • history (GArray **).
  • n_neurons (size_t): the number of neurons.
int free_garrays2(GArray ** history, size_t n_neurons)
  for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx < n_neurons; n_idx++)
  return 0;

Let us write a short program, garrays2_test.c, that tests that everything goes fine:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>

#define N_NEURONS 10

GArray ** malloc_garrays2(size_t n_neurons);

int free_garrays2(GArray ** history, size_t n_neurons);

int main(void)
  GArray **history = malloc_garrays2 (N_NEURONS);
  return 0;



We modify our Makefile to have the right flags for libglib:

CFLAGS += `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gsl` -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11 
LDLIBS = `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gsl ` 

$(P): $(OBJECTS)

Note: the "+" before the equal sign in the CFLAGS specification is there to allow user to add flags later on, I found that on stackoverflow.

The code is then compiled with:

make P=garrays2_test
cc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11 \    
  garrays2_test.c  `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gsl `  -o garrays2_test

It is run with:


It does not print anything! That's normal, in fact I recompile the file after changing the -O3 to -O0 in the Makefile and then I run it with valgrind to check for memory leaks with:

touch garrays2_test.c
sed -e "s/-O3/-O0/g" < Makefile > Makefile2
make -f Makefile2 P=garrays2_test
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./garrays2_test

2.6 Fast computation of synaptic leaks

Our choice of synaptic leak functions above involves the "costly" computation of an exponential at each function evaluation. We will therefore implement a fast approximation of the exponential function proposed by Schraudolph4. This implementation involves the definition of two constants and a macro given in the next code bloc (<<Schraudolph-exp>>). In order to be able to recompile quickly our codes with or without this fast exponential implementation we will make its inclusion in the code dependent on existence of the FAST_EXP macro. By default this macro will not exist and the the fast implementation won't be used but if we use -DFAST_EXP upon compilation, the macro will be defined and the fast implementation included.

#include <math.h>

#if defined(FAST_EXP)
static union
  double d;
    int j,i;
  } n;
} _eco;

#define EXP_A (1048576/M_LN2)
#define EXP_C 60801

#define EXP(y) (_eco.n.i=EXP_A*(y)+(1072693248-EXP_C),_eco.d)

2.6.1 A test

We now write a code that outputs the value of the logistic function (as in figure 1 of Schraudolph's paper) computed with both the usual exp function of the standard math library and with the fast version. We write the output to stdout. The following code is saved in a file called exp_compare.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define FAST_EXP

int main()
  for (size_t i=0; i < 1002; i++)
      double x = i*0.01-5;
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

The compilation is done with:

gcc -std=gnu11 -g -Wall -o exp_compare exp_compare.c -lm

We run it and redirect the stdout to a file called exp_compare.txt with:

./exp_compare > exp_compare.txt

We plot the results with gnuplot:

set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "1/(1+exp(-x))"
set key top left
plot "exp_compare.txt" using 1:2 with lines lw 2 lc rgb "black" \
     title "math exp", \
     "" using 1:3 with lines lw 2 lc rgb "red" title "macro EXP"


2.6.2 Run time comparison

We now compile twice the (almost) same code drawing 10\(^9\) random numbers with a uniform distribution between -10 and 10 before computing the exponential. One version uses the math exp version and the other uses the EXP macro. The exponential version used is under the control of the FAST_EXP macro, the code is written in a file called many_exp.c:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>


#define MIN -10.0
#define MAX 10.0
#define NB 1000000000

int main()
  const gsl_rng_type * T;
  gsl_rng * r;

  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);

  for (size_t i=0; i<NB; i++)
      double u=gsl_ran_flat(r,MIN,MAX);
#if defined(FAST_EXP)
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

We compile without defining the FAST_EXP macro meaning that we use the exp function from the standard math library:

cc -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11  many_exp.c  `pkg-config --libs gsl` \
   -o many_exp_from_math

We run it and time it with:

time ./many_exp_from_math
real    0m13.406s
user    0m13.397s
sys     0m0.000s

Doing the same thing using the EXP from our macro:

cc -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11  -DFAST_EXP many_exp.c  `pkg-config --libs gsl`\
   -o many_exp_from_macro

We run it and time it with:

time ./many_exp_from_macro
real    0m12.250s
user    0m12.230s
sys     0m0.000s

To make a fair estimate of the exponential computation time, we must evaluate the random variate generation time. Writing the following code in a file called rng_generation.c:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>

#define MIN -10.0
#define MAX 10.0
#define NB 1000000000

int main()
  const gsl_rng_type * T;
  gsl_rng * r;

  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);

  for (size_t i=0; i<NB; i++)
      double u=gsl_ran_flat(r,MIN,MAX);
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

We compile with:

cc -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11  rng_generation.c  `pkg-config --libs gsl`\
   -o rng_generation

We run it and time it with:

time ./rng_generation
real    0m12.333s
user    0m12.230s
sys     0m0.010s

The 10\(^9\) exponential evaluations take therefore 850 ms with the math exp function and 110 ms with the EXP macro. We have a factor close to 8!

2.6.3 Definitions of the synaptic leak functions

Equipped with the EXP macro we can define "efficient" synaptic leak functions starting with g_e that depends on three parameters:

  • delay (size_t): the difference between present time and the considered spike time.
  • tau_e (double): the excitatory time constant.
  • d_e (size_t): the excitatory delay.
double g_e(size_t delay, double tau_e, size_t d_e)
  double x = (delay-d_e)/tau_e;
  if (x < 0 || x > 5)
    return 0.0;
#if defined(FAST_EXP)
      return EXP(-x);
      return exp(-x);

Function g_i also depends on three parameters:

  • delay (size_t): the difference between present time and the considered spike time.
  • tau_i (double): the inhibitory time constant.
  • d_i (size_t): the inhibitory delay.
double g_i(size_t delay, double tau_i, size_t d_i)
  double x = (delay-d_i)/tau_i;
  if (x < 0 || x > 10)
    return 0.0;
#if defined(FAST_EXP)
      return x*EXP(1-x);
      return x*exp(1-x);

2.7 History initialization with the mean-field solution

The last element we need in order to have a complete simulation code is the part that deals with the initialization our history variable. We are going to use the mean field solution (if it exists), that is, the first spike of each neuron will be drawn from an exponential distribution whose (rate) parameter is the mean field rate.

2.7.1 Getting the mean field rate

We are assuming here that our network is homogeneous: the probability of excitatory / inhibitory connection is uniform, the synaptic weights are uniformly distributed, the activation functions, \(\varphi\), are the same for every neuron as well as the synaptic leak (given the connection type). If a mean field solution exists then each neuron has a uniform probability (rate), \(\overline{\nu}\), of spiking at each time step. This \(\overline{\nu}\) must then satisfy the equation: \(\overline{\nu} = \varphi\left(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\right)\). Our job now is to find an expression for \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\) that should be a "proper" adaptation equation: \[u_{t+1}(i) \doteq \sum_{j \in I} W_{j \rightarrow i} \sum_{s=L_{t+1}^i+1}^t g_j(t+1-s) X_s(j)\, .\] We are going to replace \(\sum_{j \in I} W_{j \rightarrow i}\) by the sum of two terms, one for excitatory inputs and an other for the inhibitory ones giving: \[\sum_{j \in I} W_{j \rightarrow i} \rightarrow n_{neurons} (p_e \, \overline{w}_e + p_i \, \overline{w}_i) \, ,\] where:

  • \(n_{neurons}\) is the total number of neurons, parameter n_neurons of function mk_graph.
  • \(p_e\) is the probability of excitatory connection, parameter p_e of function mk_graph.
  • \(\overline{w}_e\) is the mean excitatory synaptic weight, obtained with (w_e_max+w_e_min)/2 from the parameters of function mk_graph.
  • \(p_i\) is the probability of inhibitory connection, parameter p_i of function mk_graph.
  • \(\overline{w}_i\) is the mean inhibitory synaptic weight, obtained with (w_i_max+w_i_min)/2 from the parameters of function mk_graph.

We now have to deal with the term \(\sum_{s=L_{t+1}^i+1}^t g_j(t+1-s) X_s(j)\); we do that by considering all the possible occurrence times of the previous spike up to 10 x tau_i since beyond this delay the leak functions are all zero:

  • If the last spike occurred at the previous time step—with probability \(\overline{\nu}\) —, then the "flushing effect" means that all the previous synaptic inputs got forgotten giving no contribution to \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\).
  • If the last spike occurred two time steps ago—with probability \(\overline{\nu} \times (1-\overline{\nu})\) —, then the "typical" inhibitory input fired in the last time step with probability \(\overline{\nu}\) giving a contribution \(g_i(1)\) to \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\) and the "typical" excitatory input fired in the last time step with probability \(\overline{\nu}\) giving a contribution \(g_e(1)\) to \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\). The overall contribution is: \(\overline{\nu} \times \left(g_i(1)+g_e(1)\right)\).
  • If the last spike occurred three time steps ago—with probability \(\overline{\nu} \times (1-\overline{\nu})^2\) —, then the "typical" inhibitory input fired in the last time step with probability \(\overline{\nu}\) giving a contribution \(g_i(1)\) and two steps ago, with the same probability, giving a contribution \(g_i(2)\) to \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\); the same reasoning applied to the excitatory input leads to an overall contribution of: \(\overline{\nu} \times \left(g_i(1)+g_e(1)+g_i(2)+g_e(2)\right)\).
  • If the last spike occurred \(s\) time steps ago— with probability \(\overline{\nu} \times (1-\overline{\nu})^{s-1}\) —, we get an overall contribution of: \(\overline{\nu} \times \sum_{j=1}^{s-1}\left(g_i(j)+g_e(j)\right)\).

Our expression for \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\) becomes: \[\overline{u}(\overline{\nu}) = n_{neurons} \, \overline{\nu}^2 \times \left(\sum_{s=2}^{\lceil10 \, \tau_i\rceil} (1-\overline{\nu})^{s-1}\, \sum_{j=1}^{s-1}\left(p_i \, \overline{w}_i \, g_i(j) + p_e \, \overline{w}_e \, g_e(j)\right) \right)\, .\]

We now define a few C functions doing the required computation.

2.7.2 Utility function definitions

We define G_e that returns a pointer to a gsl_vector whose elements contain the cumulative sum of g_e—it takes the same parameters as g_e except the first—:

gsl_vector * G_e(double tau_e, size_t d_e)
  size_t n = ceil(5*tau_e);
  gsl_vector * res = gsl_vector_alloc(n);
  for (size_t i=1; i < n; i++)
  return res;

The use of this function requires directive #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h> as well as directive #include <math.h>. We now define G_i that returns a pointer to a gsl_vector whose elements contain the cumulative sum of g_i—it takes the same parameters as g_i except the first—:

gsl_vector * G_i(double tau_i, size_t d_i)
  size_t n = ceil(10*tau_i);
  gsl_vector * res = gsl_vector_alloc(n);
  for (size_t i=1; i < n; i++)
  return res;

The use of this function requires the same directives as G_e.

We define u_at_nu that returns \(\overline{u}(\overline{\nu})\) and take the following parameters:

  • nu_bar (double): the value of \(\overline{\nu}\).
  • n_neurons (size_t): the number of neurons.
  • p_e (double): the probability of excitatory connection.
  • w_e_min (double): the minimal excitatory weight.
  • w_e_max (double): the maximal excitatory weight.
  • G_e (gsl_vector *): the output of G_e.
  • p_i (double): the probability of inhibitory connection.
  • w_i_min (double): the minimal inhibitory weight.
  • w_i_max (double): the maximal inhibitory weight.
  • G_i (gsl_vector *): the output of G_i.

The function returns a double.

double u_at_nu(double nu_bar, size_t n_neurons,
	       double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_e,
	       double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_i)
  size_t max = G_i->size;
  double u = 0;
  double e_factor = p_e*(w_e_min+w_e_max)*0.5;
  double i_factor = p_i*(w_i_min+w_i_max)*0.5;
  for (size_t s=2; s <= max; s++)
      double Ge;
      if (s-1 < G_e->size)
	Ge = gsl_vector_get(G_e,s-1);
	Ge = gsl_vector_get(G_e,G_e->size-1);
      double Gi = gsl_vector_get(G_i,s-1);
      u += pow((1-nu_bar),(double) (s-1))*(Ge*e_factor+Gi*i_factor);
  return u*n_neurons*nu_bar*nu_bar;

The use of this functions requires directive #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h> as well as directive #include <math.h>.

2.7.3 A program returning \(\varphi(\overline{\nu})\)

We now write a program mean_field returning a sequence of \(\left(\overline{\nu},\overline{u}(\overline{\nu}),\varphi(\overline{\nu})\right)\) values. The parameters taken by the program are spelled out in the following <<print_usage_mean_field>> function:

void print_usage_mean_field() {
  printf("Usage: \n"
	 "  --n_neurons <positive integer>: the number of neurons in the"
	 " network\n"
	 "  --p_e <double in (0,1)>: the probability of excitatory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the minimal excitatory synaptic "
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the maximal excitatory synaptic "
	 "  --tau_e <positive double>: the time constant of excitatory "
	 "leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_e <positive integer>: the excitatory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --p_i <double in (0,1)>: the probability of inhibitory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_i_min <negative double>: the minimal inhibitory synaptic "
	 "  --w_i_max <negative double>: the maximal inhibitory synaptic "
	 "  --tau_i <positive double>: the time constant of inhibitory "
	 "leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_i <positive integer>: the inhibitory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --varphi_0 <double in (0,1)>: the basal value of the "
	 "activation function\n"
	 "  --varphi_k <positive double>: constant controlling the "
	 "steepness of the activation function\n"
	 "  --n_steps <positive integer>: the number of nu_bar values "
	 "to explore between varphi_0 and 1\n"

We now write the <<read_par_mean_field>> code:

int read_par_mean_field(int argc, char ** argv,
			size_t * n_neurons,
			double * p_e, double * w_e_min, double * w_e_max,
			double * tau_e, size_t * d_e,
			double * p_i, double * w_i_min, double * w_i_max,
			double * tau_i, size_t * d_i,
			double * varphi_0, double * varphi_k,
			size_t * n_steps)
  if (argc == 1) {
    return -1;
  // Define default values
  *p_e = 0.1;
  *w_e_min = 2;
  *w_e_max = 4;
  *tau_e = 5;
  *d_e = 1;
  *p_i = 0.2;
  *w_i_min = -0.01;
  *w_i_max = -0.005;
  *tau_i = 5;
  *d_i = 5;
  *varphi_k = 10;
  *n_steps = 1001;
  {int opt;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
    int long_index =0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc,argv,"hn:a:b:c:d:e:f:g:i:j:k:l:m:o:",
			      long_options,&long_index)) != -1) {
      switch(opt) {
      case 'n':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of neurons should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  *n_neurons=(size_t) n; 
      case 'a': *p_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'b': *w_e_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'c': *w_e_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'd': *p_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'e': *w_i_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'f': *w_i_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'i': *tau_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'j':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The excitatory synaptic delay should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  *d_e=(size_t) n; 
      case 'k': *tau_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'l':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The inhibitory synaptic delay should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  *d_i=(size_t) n; 
      case 'm': *varphi_0=atof(optarg);
      case 'g': *varphi_k=atof(optarg);
      case 'o':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of nu_bar steps should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  *n_steps=(size_t) n; 
      case 'h': print_usage_mean_field();
	return -1;
      default : print_usage_mean_field();
	return -1;
  // Check that the parameters are correct
  if (*p_e < 0 || *p_e > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_e <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*p_i < 0 || *p_i > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_i <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_e_min <= 0 || *w_e_max <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Excitatory weights must be > 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_e_min >= *w_e_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_e_min < w_e_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_i_min >= 0 || *w_i_max >= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Inhibitory weights must be < 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*w_i_min >= *w_i_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_i_min < w_i_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*tau_i < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_i.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*tau_e < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_e.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*varphi_0 < 0 || *varphi_0 > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= varphi_0 <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*varphi_k <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 < varphi_k.\n");
      return -1;
  return 0;

Our mean_field program is going to write its results to the stdout with a preamble (lines starting with a # interpreted as comments by gnuplot) containing the value of the parameters used. The function writing the preamble, write_mean_field_preamble is defined next:

int write_mean_field_preamble(size_t * n_neurons,
			      double * p_e, double * w_e_min,
			      double * w_e_max,
			      double * tau_e, size_t * d_e,
			      double * p_i, double * w_i_min,
			      double * w_i_max,
			      double * tau_i, size_t * d_i,
			      double * varphi_0, double * varphi_k,
			      size_t * n_steps)
	  "# Parameters used when running the program\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"# The number of neurons is: %d\n", (int) * n_neurons);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Probability of excitatory connection: %g\n", * p_e);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Minimal excitatory weight: %g\n", * w_e_min);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Maximal excitatory weight: %g\n", * w_e_max);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Excitatory time constant: %g\n", * tau_e);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Excitatory time delay: %d\n", (int) * d_e);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Probability of inhibitory connection: %g\n", * p_i);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Minimal inhibitory weight: %g\n", * w_i_min);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Maximal inhibitory weight: %g\n", * w_i_max);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Inhibitory time constant: %g\n", * tau_i);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Inhibitory time delay: %d\n", (int) * d_i);
  fprintf(stdout,"# varphi_0: %g\n", * varphi_0);
  fprintf(stdout,"# varphi_k: %g\n", * varphi_k);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Number of steps: %d\n", (int) * n_steps);
  return 0;

The program written to file mean_field.c is then:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>


int read_par_mean_field(int argc, char ** argv,
			size_t * n_neurons,
			double * p_e, double * w_e_min,
			double * w_e_max,
			double * tau_e, size_t * d_e,
			double * p_i, double * w_i_min,
			double * w_i_max,
			double * tau_i, size_t * d_i,
			double * varphi_0, double * varphi_k,
			size_t * n_steps);

void print_usage_mean_field();

int write_mean_field_preamble(size_t * n_neurons,
			      double * p_e, double * w_e_min,
			      double * w_e_max,
			      double * tau_e, size_t * d_e,
			      double * p_i, double * w_i_min,
			      double * w_i_max,
			      double * tau_i, size_t * d_i,
			      double * varphi_0, double * varphi_k,
			      size_t * n_steps);

double u_at_nu(double nu_bar, size_t n_neurons,
	       double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_e,
	       double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_i);

gsl_vector * G_i(double tau_i, size_t d_i);

gsl_vector * G_e(double tau_e, size_t d_e);

double varphi(double u, double varphi_0, double k);

double g_i(size_t delay, double tau_i, size_t d_i);

double g_e(size_t delay, double tau_e, size_t d_e);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  size_t n_neurons, d_e, d_i, n_steps;
  double p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, tau_e;
  double p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, tau_i;
  double varphi_0, varphi_k;
  int status = read_par_mean_field(argc, argv, &n_neurons,
				   &p_e, &w_e_min, &w_e_max,
				   &tau_e, &d_e,
				   &p_i, &w_i_min, &w_i_max,
				   &tau_i, &d_i,
				   &varphi_0, &varphi_k, &n_steps);

  if (status == -1) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  write_mean_field_preamble(&n_neurons, &p_e, &w_e_min, &w_e_max,
			    &tau_e, &d_e, &p_i, &w_i_min, &w_i_max,
			    &tau_i, &d_i, &varphi_0, &varphi_k,
  gsl_vector * Ig_e;
  Ig_e = G_e(tau_e, d_e);
  gsl_vector * Ig_i;
  Ig_i = G_i(tau_i, d_i);
  double step = (1-varphi_0)/(n_steps-1);
  for (size_t i=0; i<n_steps; i++)
      double t = varphi_0+i*step;
      double u = u_at_nu(t, n_neurons,
			 p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, Ig_e,
			 p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, Ig_i);
      double varphi_val = varphi(u,varphi_0,varphi_k);

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);










The compilation is then done with the command:

make P=mean_field
cc -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11    mean_field.c  `pkg-config --libs gsl`  -o mean_field

A first test is done with:

./mean_field --n_neurons=800 --tau_i=5 --d_i=4 \
	     --p_i=0.25 --tau_e=5 --w_e_min=0.2 \
	     --w_e_max=0.3 --d_e=1 --p_e=0.1 \
	     --w_i_min=-0.02 --w_i_max=-0.005 \
	     --varphi_0=0.01 --varphi_k=17 \
	     --n_steps=1001 > mean_field_test1.txt

We plot the results with gnuplot:

set xlabel "{/OpenSymbol ν}"
set ylabel "{/OpenSymbol φ(ν)}"
set key top left
set grid
plot [0:0.3] [0:0.3] "mean_field_test1.txt" using 1:3 with lines lw 2\
     lc rgb "red" title "{/OpenSymbol φ(ν)}", \
     "" using 1:1 with lines lw 2 lc rgb "black" \
     title "{/OpenSymbol ν}"


There seem to be two stable fixed-points one close to close 0 the other one close to 0.23, if it's not wrong it's interesting since the presence of two stable fixed-points is the allmark of working memory models at the network level.

2.7.4 Getting a numerical estimation of the fixed point values

We want now to write a program returning a numerical value for a fixed point. To that end we are going to use the one dimensional root-finding routines of the gsl. We want to find the root of: \(\varphi(\overline{\nu})-\overline{\nu}\) while still being able to work with different parameters like varphi_0, p_e, etc. The gsl then requires that we separate the parameters of the function whose root(s) we look for into two parts:

  • The variable \(\overline{\nu}\) above.
  • All the other parameters:
    • n_neurons, d_e, d_i (size_t);
    • p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, varphi_0, varphi_k;
    • G_e, G_i (gsl_vector *).

To that end, following the example of the gsl manual we define a structure with one member for each parameter as well as the signature of the "target function". We do that in <<mean_field_fixed_point_header>> given next:

typedef struct
  size_t n_neurons, d_e, d_i;
  double p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, varphi_0, \
    varphi_k, tau_e, tau_i;
  gsl_vector * G_e;
  gsl_vector * G_i;
} mean_field_fixed_point_params;

double mf_fixed_point_target(double nu, void *params);

We define next the mf_fixed_point_target function whose root we want to find with respect to parameter nu:

double mf_fixed_point_target(double nu, void *params)
  mean_field_fixed_point_params *p = \
    (mean_field_fixed_point_params *) params;
  size_t n_neurons = p->n_neurons;
  double p_e = p->p_e;
  double w_e_min = p->w_e_min;
  double w_e_max = p->w_e_max;
  double p_i = p->p_i;
  double w_i_min = p->w_i_min;
  double w_i_max = p->w_i_max;
  double varphi_0 = p->varphi_0;
  double varphi_k = p->varphi_k;
  gsl_vector * G_e = p->G_e;
  gsl_vector * G_i = p->G_i;

  double u = u_at_nu(nu, n_neurons, p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, G_e,
		     p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, G_i);
  return varphi(u,varphi_0,varphi_k)-nu;

Now, the root-finding functions require that the user provides a bracketing interval containing (in principle) one and only one root. We therefore have to adapt our parameter reading functions accordingly as follows:

void print_usage_mean_field_fixed_point() {
  printf("Usage: \n"
	 "  --n_neurons <positive integer>: the number of neurons in "
	 "the network\n"
	 "  --p_e <double in (0,1)>: the probability of excitatory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the minimal excitatory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the maximal excitatory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --tau_e <positive double>: the time constant of "
	 "excitatory leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_e <positive integer>: the excitatory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --p_i <double in (0,1)>: the probability of inhibitory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_i_min <negative double>: the minimal inhibitory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --w_i_max <negative double>: the maximal inhibitory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --tau_i <positive double>: the time constant of "
	 "inhibitory leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_i <positive integer>: the inhibitory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --varphi_0 <double in (0,1)>: the basal value of the "
	 "activation function\n"
	 "  --varphi_k <positive double>: constant controlling the "
	 "steepness of the activation function\n"
	 "  --nu_lower <double in (0,1)>: the left end of the root "
	 "bracketing interval\n"
	 "  --nu_upper <double in (0,1)>: the right end of the root "
	 "bracketing interval\n"

We now write the <<read_par_mean_field_fixed_point>> code:

int read_par_mean_field_fixed_point(int argc, char ** argv,
				    mean_field_fixed_point_params *p,
				    double * nu_lower,
				    double * nu_upper)
  // Define default values
  p->n_neurons = 800;
  p->p_e = 0.1;
  p->w_e_min = 0.5;
  p->w_e_max = 1;
  p->tau_e = 5;
  p->d_e = 1;
  p->p_i = 0.2;
  p->w_i_min = -0.004;
  p->w_i_max = -0.002;
  p->tau_i = 5;
  p->d_i = 4;
  p->varphi_0 = 0.01;
  p->varphi_k = 15;
  *nu_lower = 0.25;
  *nu_upper = 0.3;
  {int opt;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
    int long_index =0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc,argv,
			      long_options,&long_index)) != -1) {
      switch(opt) {
      case 'n':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of neurons should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->n_neurons=(size_t) n; 
      case 'a': p->p_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'b': p->w_e_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'c': p->w_e_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'd': p->p_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'e': p->w_i_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'f': p->w_i_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'i': p->tau_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'j':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The excitatory synaptic delay should "
		      "be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->d_e=(size_t) n; 
      case 'k': p->tau_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'l':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The inhibitory synaptic delay should "
		      "be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->d_i=(size_t) n; 
      case 'm': p->varphi_0=atof(optarg);
      case 'g': p->varphi_k=atof(optarg);
      case 'o': *nu_lower=atof(optarg);
      case 'p': *nu_upper=atof(optarg);
      case 'h': print_usage_mean_field_fixed_point();
	return -1;
      default : print_usage_mean_field_fixed_point();
	return -1;
  // Check that the parameters are correct
  if (p->p_e < 0 || p->p_e > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_e <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->p_i < 0 || p->p_i > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_i <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_e_min <= 0 || p->w_e_max <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Excitatory weights must be > 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_e_min >= p->w_e_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_e_min < w_e_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_i_min >= 0 || p->w_i_max >= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Inhibitory weights must be < 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_i_min >= p->w_i_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_i_min < w_i_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->tau_i < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_i.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->tau_e < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_e.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->varphi_0 < 0 || p->varphi_0 > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= varphi_0 <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->varphi_k <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 < varphi_k.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*nu_lower < 0 || *nu_lower > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= nu_lower <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (*nu_upper < 0 || *nu_upper > 1 || *nu_upper <= *nu_lower)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= nu_lower < nu_lower <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  return 0;

Our mean_field_fixed_point program is going to write its results to the stdout. The program written to file mean_field_fixed_point.c is then:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_roots.h>



int read_par_mean_field_fixed_point(int argc, char ** argv,
				    mean_field_fixed_point_params *p,
				    double * nu_lower,
				    double * nu_upper);

void print_usage_mean_field_fixed_point();

double u_at_nu(double nu_bar, size_t n_neurons,
	       double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_e,
	       double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
	       gsl_vector * G_i);

gsl_vector * G_i(double tau_i, size_t d_i);

gsl_vector * G_e(double tau_e, size_t d_e);

double varphi(double u, double varphi_0, double k);

double g_i(size_t delay, double tau_i, size_t d_i);

double g_e(size_t delay, double tau_e, size_t d_e);

double mf_fixed_point_target(double nu, void *params);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  mean_field_fixed_point_params params;
  double nu_lower, nu_upper;
  int status = read_par_mean_field_fixed_point(argc, argv, &params,
					       &nu_lower, &nu_upper);

  if (status == -1) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  params.G_e = G_e(params.tau_e, params.d_e);
  params.G_i = G_i(params.tau_i, params.d_i);

  int iter = 0, max_iter = 100;
  const gsl_root_fsolver_type *T;
  gsl_root_fsolver *s;
  gsl_function F;
  F.function = &mf_fixed_point_target;
  F.params = &params;

  T = gsl_root_fsolver_brent;
  s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc (T);
  gsl_root_fsolver_set (s, &F, nu_lower, nu_upper);
  printf ("using %s method\n",
	  gsl_root_fsolver_name (s));

  printf ("%5s [%9s, %9s] %9s %9s\n",
	  "iter", "lower", "upper", "root",

      status = gsl_root_fsolver_iterate (s);
      double r = gsl_root_fsolver_root (s);
      nu_lower = gsl_root_fsolver_x_lower (s);
      nu_upper = gsl_root_fsolver_x_upper (s);
      status = gsl_root_test_interval (nu_lower, nu_upper,
				       0, 0.001);

      if (status == GSL_SUCCESS)
	printf ("Converged:\n");

      printf ("%5d [%.7f, %.7f] %.7f %.7f\n",
	      iter, nu_lower, nu_upper,
	      r, nu_upper - nu_lower);
  while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < max_iter);

  gsl_root_fsolver_free (s);
  return status;










We compile with:

make P=mean_field_fixed_point

We run it with the parameters previously used:

./mean_field_fixed_point --n_neurons=800 --tau_i=5 --d_i=4  \
			 --p_i=0.25 --tau_e=5 --w_e_min=0.2 \
			 --w_e_max=0.3 --d_e=1 --p_e=0.1  \
			 --w_i_min=-0.02 --w_i_max=-0.005 \
			 --varphi_0=0.01 --varphi_k=17 \
			 --nu_lower=0.2 --nu_upper=0.3
using brent method
 iter [    lower,     upper]      root  err(est)
    1 [0.2136329, 0.3000000] 0.2136329 0.0863671
    2 [0.2136329, 0.2225940] 0.2225940 0.0089611
    3 [0.2216011, 0.2225940] 0.2216011 0.0009929
    4 [0.2216547, 0.2225940] 0.2216547 0.0009393
    5 [0.2216547, 0.2216550] 0.2216550 0.0000003

2.7.5 Actual initialization strategy

We are going to initialize our spike trains by drawing for a given duration–a multiple (for instance 10) of the mean inter spike interval of the mean field solution–spikes independently with the mean field rate. The program will therefore take two parameters:

  • the mean field rate (0.2217 in the last section case).
  • the multiple of the mean field inter spike interval (the inverse of the mean field rate) during which spikes are drawn in an IID way.

2.8 Advancing by one step: to spike or not to spike

2.8.1 "Early phase": function spike_or_not_early

If we are in the "early phase" of the simulation (say for an number of time steps < 10/\(\overline{\nu}\)) we draw for each neuron a random number with a uniform distribution between zero and one and if the number is smaller than \(\overline{\nu}\) the neuron spikes and remains silent otherwise. Function spike_or_not_early defined next returns 0 if the neuron does not spike and 1 otherwise; it takes two parameters:

  • nu_bar (double): the mean field rate.
  • r (a pointer to a gsl_rng): a pointer on an allocated gsl_rng.

It is just a wrapper around gsl gsl_ran_flat function:

int spike_or_not_early(double nu_bar,
		       gsl_rng * r)
  if (gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= nu_bar)
    return 1;
    return 0;

2.8.2 "Main phase"

Once the early phase is over, every neuron should have fired a few spikes (if the phase is long enough) and from now on, I'm assuming that a last spike is available for each neuron in the network and therefore that each history[i] has at least one element. I'm considering a given neuron \(i \in \{0,\ldots,\texttt{n_neurons}-1\} \doteq I\) at a given time index \(t+1\) and I want to write a function that returns 0 if the neuron does not spike at that time (conditioned on the history) and 1 if it does. In order to clarify the code, I will write:\[u_{t+1}(i) \doteq \sum_{j \in I} W_{j \rightarrow i} \sum_{s=L_{t+1}^i+1}^t g_j(t+1-s) X_s(j)\, .\] That is, \(u_{t+1}(i)\) the pseudo-membrane potential used as the argument of function \(\varphi_i\) in equation 2.3.

2.8.3 get_u_i

I'm going first to define a function get_u_i that requires the following parameters:

  • n_idx (size_t): the postsynaptic neuron index.
  • t (integer): the time index (the \(t+1\) of the previous equations).
  • history (array of GArrays): the history.
  • graph (pointer to pointer to presynaptic): the graph.
  • tau_e (double): the excitatory time constant.
  • d_e (size_t): the excitatory delay.
  • tau_i (double): the inhibitory time constant.
  • d_i (size_t): the inhibitory delay.

The function returns a double, the value of \(u_{t+1}(i)\). I assume moreover that the two functions g_e and g_i returning the synaptic leak are available in the environment.

double get_u_i(size_t n_idx, int t,
	       GArray **history, presynaptic **graph,
	       double tau_e, size_t d_e,
	       double tau_i, size_t d_i)
  double u_i=0.0;
  // Get the time of the last spike of n_idx
  int L_i = g_array_index(history[n_idx],int,history[n_idx]->len-1);
  if (graph[n_idx]->size > 0)
    {// n_idx has presynaptic neurons
      for (size_t pre_idx=0; pre_idx<graph[n_idx]->size; pre_idx++)
	{// Loop on the presynaptic neurons
	  // Get the index of the presynaptic neuron
	  uint j = gsl_vector_uint_get(graph[n_idx]->idx,pre_idx);
	  // Get the synaptic weight
	  double w = gsl_vector_get(graph[n_idx]->w,pre_idx);
	  // Get the index of the last spike of neuron j
	  size_t k = history[j]->len-1;
	  // Get the time of the last spike of j
	  int s = g_array_index(history[j],int,k);
	  while (s > L_i)
	      if (w > 0) //excitatory synapse
		u_i += w*g_e(t-s,tau_e,d_e);
	      else //inhibitory synapse
		u_i += w*g_i(t-s,tau_i,d_i);
	      if (k<0)
		s = L_i;
		s = g_array_index(history[j],int,k);
	    } // end of conditional on s > L_i  
	} // end of the loop on pre_idx
    } // end of the conditional on graph[n_idx]->size > 0
  return u_i;

2.8.4 varphi

Function varphi depends on three parameters:

  • u (double): the "membrane" potential of the considered neuron—returned by a call to get_u_i—.
  • varphi_0 (double): the basal rate (should be larger than 0 and smaller than 1).
  • k (double): the constant controlling the steepness of the \(\varphi\) function.
double varphi(double u, double varphi_0, double k)
  if (u < 0)
    return varphi_0;
#if defined(FAST_EXP)
      return varphi_0 + (1-varphi_0)*gsl_pow_2 (1-EXP(-u/k));
      return varphi_0 + (1-varphi_0)*gsl_pow_2 (1-exp(-u/k));

A program using varphi requires the directive #include <gsl/gsl_math.h>

2.8.5 spike_or_not

Function spike_or_not combines functions get_u_i and varphi and returns 0 if the neuron does not spike and 1 otherwise. It depends on the following parameters:

  • n_idx (size_t): the postsynaptic neuron index.
  • t (integer): the time index (the \(t+1\) of the previous equations).
  • history (array of GArrays): the history.
  • graph (pointer to pointer to presynaptic): the graph.
  • tau_e (double): the excitatory time constant.
  • d_e (size_t): the excitatory delay.
  • tau_i (double): the inhibitory time constant.
  • d_i (size_t): the inhibitory delay.
  • varphi_0 (double): the basal rate (should be larger than 0 and smaller than 1).
  • k (double): the constant controlling the steepness of the \(\varphi\) function.
  • r (a pointer to a gsl_rng): a pointer on an allocated gsl_rng.
int spike_or_not(size_t n_idx, int t,
		 GArray **history, presynaptic **graph,
		 double tau_e, size_t d_e,
		 double tau_i, size_t d_i,
		 double varphi_0, double k,
		 gsl_rng * r)
  double u = get_u_i(n_idx, t, history, graph,
		     tau_e, d_e, tau_i, d_i);
  if (gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= varphi(u, varphi_0, k))
    return 1;
    return 0;

2.8.6 sim_params structure and associated functions

In order to have shorter parameters' list for our function call we define a new type, sim_gl_params, based on a structure that contains all the parameters passed by the user to the program:

typedef struct
  size_t n_neurons, d_e, d_i, total_steps, early_steps;
  double p_e, w_e_min, w_e_max, p_i, w_i_min, w_i_max, varphi_0, \
    varphi_k, tau_e, tau_i, nu_bar;
  gsl_vector * G_e;
  gsl_vector * G_i;
} sim_gl_params;

The meaning of these structure members is specified in the usage function of our simulation program:

void print_usage_sim_gl() {
  printf("Usage: \n"
	 "  --n_neurons <positive integer>: the number of neurons in "
	 "the network\n"
	 "  --p_e <double in (0,1)>: the probability of excitatory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the minimal excitatory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --w_e_min <positive double>: the maximal excitatory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --tau_e <positive double>: the time constant of "
	 "excitatory leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_e <positive integer>: the excitatory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --p_i <double in (0,1)>: the probability of inhibitory "
	 "connection between two neurons\n"
	 "  --w_i_min <negative double>: the minimal inhibitory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --w_i_max <negative double>: the maximal inhibitory "
	 "synaptic weight\n"
	 "  --tau_i <positive double>: the time constant of "
	 "inhibitory leak functions\n"
	 "  --d_i <positive integer>: the inhibitory synaptic delay\n"
	 "  --varphi_0 <double in (0,1)>: the basal value of the "
	 "activation function\n"
	 "  --varphi_k <positive double>: constant controlling the "
	 "steepness of the activation function\n"
	 "  --nu_bar <double in (0,1)>: the mean field rate\n"
	 "  --early_steps <positive integer>: the number of time "
	 "steps with IID draws\n"
	 "  --total_steps <positive integer>: the total number of "
	 "time steps to simulate\n"

We now write the <<read_par_sim_gl>> code:

int read_par_sim_gl(int argc, char ** argv, sim_gl_params *p)
  // Define default values
  p->n_neurons = 800;
  p->p_e = 0.1;
  p->w_e_min = 0.2;
  p->w_e_max = 0.3;
  p->tau_e = 5;
  p->d_e = 1;
  p->p_i = 0.25;
  p->w_i_min = -0.02;
  p->w_i_max = -0.005;
  p->tau_i = 5;
  p->d_i = 4;
  p->varphi_0 = 0.01;
  p->varphi_k = 17;
  p->nu_bar = 0.2217;
  p->early_steps = 100;
  p->total_steps = 60000;
  {int opt;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
    int long_index =0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc,argv,
			      long_options,&long_index)) != -1) {
      switch(opt) {
      case 'n':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of neurons should be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->n_neurons=(size_t) n; 
      case 'a': p->p_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'b': p->w_e_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'c': p->w_e_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'd': p->p_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'e': p->w_i_min=atof(optarg);
      case 'f': p->w_i_max=atof(optarg);
      case 'i': p->tau_e=atof(optarg);
      case 'j':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The excitatory synaptic delay should "
		      "be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->d_e=(size_t) n; 
      case 'k': p->tau_i=atof(optarg);
      case 'l':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The inhibitory synaptic delay should "
		      "be > 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->d_i=(size_t) n; 
      case 'm': p->varphi_0=atof(optarg);
      case 'g': p->varphi_k=atof(optarg);
      case 'o': p->nu_bar=atof(optarg);
      case 'p':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The number of early steps should be "
		      "> 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->early_steps=(size_t) n; 
      case 'q':
	  int n=atoi(optarg);
	  if (n <= 0)
	      fprintf(stderr,"The total number of steps should be "
		      "> 0.\n");
	      return -1;
	  p->total_steps=(size_t) n; 
      case 'h': print_usage_sim_gl();
	return -1;
      default : print_usage_sim_gl();
	return -1;
  // Check that the parameters are correct
  if (p->p_e < 0 || p->p_e > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_e <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->p_i < 0 || p->p_i > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= p_i <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_e_min <= 0 || p->w_e_max <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Excitatory weights must be > 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_e_min >= p->w_e_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_e_min < w_e_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_i_min >= 0 || p->w_i_max >= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Inhibitory weights must be < 0.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->w_i_min >= p->w_i_max)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have w_i_min < w_i_max.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->tau_i < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_i.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->tau_e < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= tau_e.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->varphi_0 < 0 || p->varphi_0 > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= varphi_0 <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->varphi_k <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 < varphi_k.\n");
      return -1;
  if (p->nu_bar < 0 || p->nu_bar > 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"We must have 0 <= nu_bar <= 1.\n");
      return -1;
  return 0;

2.8.7 mk_one_step

Function mk_one_step as its name says make a single time step of the algorithm. To that end is first assigns a vector of integers with as many elements as neurons in the network and with a binary content: 0 is the neuron does not spike during that step and 1 otherwise. The history array is then updated. The function takes the following parameters:

  • t (integer): the time index (the \(t+1\) of the previous equations).
  • history (array of GArrays): the history.
  • graph (pointer to pointer to presynaptic): the graph.
  • params (pointer to a sim_gl_params): the structure containing the parameters passed to the program.
  • r (a pointer to a gsl_rng): a pointer on an allocated gsl_rng.

The function's definition is:

int mk_one_step(int t,
		GArray **history,
		presynaptic **graph,
		sim_gl_params * params,
		gsl_rng * r)
  int res[params->n_neurons];
  // Spike or no spike for each neuron
  if (t < params->early_steps)
      for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx<params->n_neurons; n_idx++)
	res[n_idx] = spike_or_not_early(params->nu_bar,r);
      for (size_t n_idx=0; n_idx<params->n_neurons; n_idx++)
	res[n_idx] = spike_or_not(n_idx, t, history, graph,
  // Upate history
  for (size_t n_idx = 0; n_idx < params->n_neurons; n_idx++)
      if (res[n_idx] == 1)
  return 0;

2.8.8 write_sim_gl_preamble

Our sim_gl program is going to write its results to the stdout starting with a preamble (lines starting with a # interpreted as comments by gnuplot) containing the value of the parameters used. The function writing the preamble, write_sim_gl_preamble is defined next:

int write_sim_gl_preamble(sim_gl_params * params, gsl_rng * r)
	  "# Parameters used when running the program\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"# The number of neurons is: %d\n",
	  (int) params->n_neurons);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Probability of excitatory connection: %g\n",
  fprintf(stdout,"# Minimal excitatory weight: %g\n", params->w_e_min);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Maximal excitatory weight: %g\n", params->w_e_max);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Excitatory time constant: %g\n", params->tau_e);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Excitatory time delay: %d\n", (int) params->d_e);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Probability of inhibitory connection: %g\n",
  fprintf(stdout,"# Minimal inhibitory weight: %g\n", params->w_i_min);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Maximal inhibitory weight: %g\n", params->w_i_max);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Inhibitory time constant: %g\n", params->tau_i);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Inhibitory time delay: %d\n", (int) params->d_i);
  fprintf(stdout,"# varphi_0: %g\n", params->varphi_0);
  fprintf(stdout,"# varphi_k: %g\n", params->varphi_k);
  fprintf(stdout,"# nu_bar: %g\n", params->nu_bar);
  fprintf(stdout,"# early_steps: %d\n", (int) params->early_steps);
  fprintf(stdout,"# total_steps: %d\n", (int) params->total_steps);
  fprintf(stdout,"# Generator type: %s\n", gsl_rng_name (r));
  fprintf(stdout,"# Seed = %lu\n", gsl_rng_default_seed);
  return 0;

2.8.9 write_sim_gl_results

At the end of its run the program will write to the stdout the spike trains of the neurons. This will be done neuron per neuron with two blank lines in between neurons (so that gnuplot automatically recognizes the different data set). The data from neuron X will start after a line like # Start neuron X with N spikes and will end with a line like # End neuron X:

int write_sim_gl_results(size_t n_neurons, GArray **history)
  for (size_t n_idx = 0; n_idx < n_neurons; n_idx++)
      fprintf(stdout,"# Start neuron %d with %d spikes\n",
	      (int) n_idx, history[n_idx]->len);
      for (size_t s_idx = 0; s_idx < history[n_idx]->len; s_idx++)
	  fprintf(stdout,"%d\n", g_array_index(history[n_idx],int,s_idx));
      fprintf(stdout,"# End neuron %d\n",(int) n_idx);
  return 0;

2.8.10 Program sim_gl

We end-up with the code of sim_gl that we save in a file called sim_gl.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector_uint.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <glib.h>


presynaptic ** mk_graph(size_t n_neurons,
			double p_e, double w_e_min, double w_e_max,
			double p_i, double w_i_min, double w_i_max,
			gsl_rng * r);

int free_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons);

GArray ** malloc_garrays2(size_t n_neurons);

int free_garrays2(GArray ** history, size_t n_neurons);



int write_sim_gl_results(size_t n_neurons, GArray **history);

int write_sim_gl_preamble(sim_gl_params * params, gsl_rng * r);

int mk_one_step(int t,
		GArray **history,
		presynaptic **graph,
		sim_gl_params * params,
		gsl_rng * r);

int read_par_sim_gl(int argc, char ** argv, sim_gl_params *p);

void print_usage_sim_gl();

int spike_or_not(size_t n_idx, int t,
		 GArray **history, presynaptic **graph,
		 double tau_e, size_t d_e,
		 double tau_i, size_t d_i,
		 double varphi_0, double k,
		 gsl_rng * r);

double varphi(double u, double varphi_0, double k);

double get_u_i(size_t n_idx, int t,
	       GArray **history, presynaptic **graph,
	       double tau_e, size_t d_e,
	       double tau_i, size_t d_i);

int spike_or_not_early(double nu_bar,
		       gsl_rng * r);

double g_i(size_t delay, double tau_i, size_t d_i);

double g_e(size_t delay, double tau_e, size_t d_e);

gsl_vector * G_i(double tau_i, size_t d_i);

gsl_vector * G_e(double tau_e, size_t d_e);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  sim_gl_params params;
  // Read and check parameters
  int status = read_par_sim_gl(argc, argv, &params);

  if (status == -1) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  params.G_e = G_e(params.tau_e, params.d_e);
  params.G_i = G_i(params.tau_i, params.d_i);

  // Initialize RNG
  const gsl_rng_type * T;
  gsl_rng * r;

  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);

  // Generate network
  presynaptic **graph=mk_graph(params.n_neurons,
			       params.p_e, params.w_e_min,
			       params.p_i, params.w_i_min,
			       params.w_i_max, r);

  // Allocate history
  GArray **history = malloc_garrays2 (params.n_neurons);

  // Write preamble
  write_sim_gl_preamble(&params, r);
  // Do the job
  for (int step_idx=0; step_idx < (int) params.total_steps; step_idx++)
      mk_one_step(step_idx, history, graph, &params, r);

  // Write results
  write_sim_gl_results(params.n_neurons, history);
  // Free memory taken up by history
  gsl_rng_free (r);
  free_graph(graph, params.n_neurons);
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);


















We compile it with:

make P=sim_gl
cc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11 \
   sim_gl.c  `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gsl `  -o sim_gl

We can get the help with

./sim_gl --help

We run it with 10000 time steps (this takes 190 seconds on my slow computer):

time ./sim_gl --total_steps=10000 > sim_gl_test0.txt

We can see the first 50 lines of the file containing the results:

head -n 50 sim_gl_test0.txt
# Parameters used when running the program
# The number of neurons is: 800
# Probability of excitatory connection: 0.1
# Minimal excitatory weight: 0.2
# Maximal excitatory weight: 0.3
# Excitatory time constant: 5
# Excitatory time delay: 1
# Probability of inhibitory connection: 0.25
# Minimal inhibitory weight: -0.02
# Maximal inhibitory weight: -0.005
# Inhibitory time constant: 5
# Inhibitory time delay: 4
# varphi_0: 0.01
# varphi_k: 17
# nu_bar: 0.2217
# early_steps: 100
# total_steps: 10000
# Generator type: mt19937
# Seed = 0

# Start neuron 0 with 191 spikes

We can then make a raster plot with the first 10 of the 800 neurons:

set xlabel "Time step"
set ylabel ""
unset key
plot [0:10000] [-1:10] "sim_gl_test0.txt" index 0 using 1:(0) with dots, \
     "" index 1 using 1:(1) with dots, \
     "" index 2 using 1:(2) with dots, \
     "" index 3 using 1:(3) with dots, \
     "" index 4 using 1:(4) with dots, \
     "" index 5 using 1:(5) with dots, \
     "" index 6 using 1:(6) with dots, \
     "" index 7 using 1:(7) with dots, \
     "" index 8 using 1:(8) with dots, \
     "" index 9 using 1:(9) with dots


We can recompile the code with the -DFAST_EXP option in order to get the fast exponential version with:

mv sim_gl sim_gl0
CFLAGS=-DFAST_EXP make P=sim_gl
cc -DFAST_EXP `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11 \
   sim_gl.c  `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gsl `  -o sim_gl

And we run it again with (it takes 83 seconds this time):

time ./sim_gl --total_steps=10000 > sim_gl_test1.txt

A "full" comparison using the default parameters (800 neurons and 60\(\times 10^3\) time steps) on my laptop runs in 19 min. and 12 sec. for the math library exp function and 8 min. 15 sec. with the fast exp macro.

We can also compute the instantaneous rate of a neuron (an estimate of the spiking probability of a single neuron) from our simulated data as follows. We first remove all the comments from the data file sim_gl_test0.txt with:

grep "^[[:digit:]]" sim_gl_test0.txt > sim_gl_test0_spike_only

We then use gnuplot to make our graph:

unset key
set grid
set xlabel "Time step"
set ylabel ""
set label 1 "Single neuron spike frequency" at 30000,0.045
plot [0:60000] [0:0.05] "sim_gl_test0_spike_only" u 1:(1./800) \
     smooth frequency with lines linecolor rgb "black"


3 Analysis

3.1 Extracting single neuron spike trains the "elementary way"

As explained the content of the data file is made first of the simulation parameters (so that the simulation can be exactly reproduced) and is then made of the spike times of the individual neurons from the first to the last. Each spike train starts with: # Start neuron X with Y spikes, and ends with: # End neuron X. It is then straightforward to use the Linux/Unix command line tools to extract the spike train of neuron 0 (we start counting at 0) from data file sim_gl_test0.txt. We use sed end store the result in a file called sim_gl_test0_st_n0 as follows:

sed '1,/# Start neuron 0 with/d;/# End neuron 0/,$d' sim_gl_test0.txt \
    > sim_gl_test0_st_n0

We check that no major problem occurred by making sure we have the right number of spikes. In the original file, for neuron 0 we had:

grep "# Start neuron 0 with" sim_gl_test0.txt
# Start neuron 0 with 947 spikes

We see that the original file contains 947 spikes for neuron 0. In our new file we have:

wc -l sim_gl_test0_st_n0
947 sim_gl_test0_st_n0

So everything looks OK. A quick and somewhat dirty way to get the histogram of the inter spike interval for this neuron is first to create a file with two columns, the first column containing the spike times from the 51st spike to the one before the end (we start at 51 to "forget" about the initialization) and the second from the 52d to the end:

sed -n '51,946p' sim_gl_test0_st_n0 > first
sed -n '52,$p' sim_gl_test0_st_n0 > second
paste second first > mk-sim_gl_test0_st_n0_diff

Then with gnuplot:

binc(x,s) = s*(floor(x/s)+0.5)
set boxwidth 5
unset key
set xlabel "Inter spike interval"
set ylabel "Estimated probability"
plot [0:400] [] "both" u (binc($1-$2,5)):(1./(5*896)) smooth frequency\
     with boxes


3.2 Doing the same job with R

To get a quick access to spike train analysis routines, we will write a short R function to read into R the output of the simulation code and we will then be able to use the STAR package–this means of course that you will need R and STAR on your computer–. To make sure that everything is there, start R and type (if you get a message "there is no package called ‘STAR’" type first install.packages("STAR")):

Le chargement a nécessité le package : survival
Le chargement a nécessité le package : mgcv
Le chargement a nécessité le package : nlme
This is mgcv 1.8-12. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
Le chargement a nécessité le package : R2HTML
Le chargement a nécessité le package : gss
Le chargement a nécessité le package : codetools

To write our data file parser, we have to remember (or to go back to our write_sim_gl_preamble section) that our "preamble" occupies 22 lines and that the third lines is something like: # The number of neurons is: X. At that stage we want to get the number of neurons contained in the simulated network, combining function readLines, strsplit and as.interger will do the job as illustrated next:

preamble <- readLines("sim_gl_test0.txt",n=22)
(n_neurons <- as.integer(strsplit(preamble[3],split=": ")[[1]][2]))

We then know that we are dealing (in that case) with 800 spike trains. After the preamble we have a repeated pattern, one for each neuron:

  • Two blank lines.
  • A statement like # Start neuron X with Y spikes.
  • Y lines each with one spike time.
  • A statement like # End neuron X.

To be able to move to an arbitrary line within the file we will now use the scan function. With this function we can get the number of spikes generated by the first neuron (neuron with number 0):

(intro <- scan("sim_gl_test0.txt",skip=24,nlines=1,what="character"))
(n <- as.integer(intro[6]))
Read 7 items
[1] "#"      "Start"  "neuron" "0"      "with"   "947"    "spikes"
[1] 947

We can then read the spike train of neuron 0 with:

st0 <- scan("sim_gl_test0.txt",skip=25,nlines=947,what=integer())
Read 947 items

We can reconstruct the inter spike interval density estimation as follows:

isi0 <- diff(st0[52:947])
hist(isi0,seq(0,400,5),freq=FALSE,xlab="Inter spike interval",
     ylab="Estimated probability")


We transform this vector into a spikeTrain object of START with:

st0 <- as.spikeTrain(st0)
A spike train with 947 events, starting at: 3 and ending at: 59967 (s).
The mean ISI is: 63.387 and its SD is: 62.686 (s).
The mean log(ISI) is: 3.617 and its SD is: 1.164
The shortest interval is: 1
 and the longest is: 394 (s).

We can now write a function that reads the whole content of the data file and sends its result as a list of spikeTrain objects:

read_sim_file <- function(filename) {
    preamble <- readLines(filename,n=22)
    n_neurons <- as.integer(strsplit(preamble[3],split=": ")[[1]][2])
    res <- vector("list",n_neurons)
    n_skip = 22
    for (n_idx in 1:n_neurons) {
        intro <- scan(filename,skip=n_skip+2,nlines=1,what="character")
        n <- as.integer(intro[6])
        res[[n_idx]] <- as.spikeTrain(scan(filename,
        n_skip = n_skip + 4 + n

We use it with (it takes a couple of minutes ti run):

stList <- read_sim_file("sim_gl_test0.txt")

And we can use the STAR functions to look for cross-correlations like here between neuron 1 and neuron 19 (counting now from 1 as R does):



4 Tests, examples and how to

4.1 Changing the rng's seed and type

The gsl (pseudo-)random number generators (rng) can be selected via an environment variable, GSL_RNG_TYPE, while the seed can be specified via the environment variable GSL_RNG_SEED. The different rng types implemented in the gsl are described in the documentation. Here is a quick example with only 1000 steps, using the default parameters and setting the rng type to cmrg and the seed to Clara Zetkin birthday (1857-07-05):

GSL_RNG_TYPE=cmrg GSL_RNG_SEED=18570705 \
	    ./sim_gl --total_steps=1000 > sim_gl_test_rng.txt
head -n 22 sim_gl_test_rng.txt
# Parameters used when running the program
# The number of neurons is: 800
# Probability of excitatory connection: 0.1
# Minimal excitatory weight: 0.2
# Maximal excitatory weight: 0.3
# Excitatory time constant: 5
# Excitatory time delay: 1
# Probability of inhibitory connection: 0.25
# Minimal inhibitory weight: -0.02
# Maximal inhibitory weight: -0.005
# Inhibitory time constant: 5
# Inhibitory time delay: 4
# varphi_0: 0.01
# varphi_k: 17
# nu_bar: 0.2217
# early_steps: 100
# total_steps: 1000
# Generator type: cmrg
# Seed = 18570705

We see here that the type and seed of the rng have changed (last two lines) compared to their default values.

4.2 Checking that our code is doing what it is supposed to do

We will write a program that simulates a network made of 2 neurons where neuron 1 excites neuron 2 and neuron 2 inhibits neuron 1. This program will output \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) (the pseudo membrane potential) of each neuron at each type step in addition to the spike trains. We will set the weight of the excitatory input to 1 and the one of the inhibitory to -4, while the steepness of the \(\varphi\) function is going to be set at 1. The simulation parameters are now contained in declarations (as opposed to passed as program parameters):

#define W_E 1.0
#define W_I -4.0
#define VARPHI_0 0.005
#define VARPHI_K 1.0
#define N_NEURONS 2
#define TAU_E 10.0
#define D_E 1
#define TAU_I 25.0
#define D_I 5
#define NU_BAR 0.05
#define EARLY_STEPS 1000
#define TOTAL_STEPS 10000

We start by modifying function mk_one_step such that the new function mk_one_step_2n takes two additional parameters, pointers to gsl_vector variables, that contain the membrane potential values:

int mk_one_step_2n(int t,
		   GArray **history,
		   presynaptic **graph,
		   sim_gl_params * params,
		   gsl_rng * r,
		   gsl_vector * u_0,
		   gsl_vector * u_1)
  int res[N_NEURONS];
  double u;
  // Spike or no spike for each neuron
  if (t < EARLY_STEPS)
      res[0] = spike_or_not_early(NU_BAR,r);
      gsl_vector_set(u_0,(size_t) t,0.0);
      res[1] = spike_or_not_early(NU_BAR,r);
      gsl_vector_set(u_1,(size_t) t,0.0);
      // Neuron 0
      u = get_u_i(0, t, history, graph,
		  TAU_E, D_E, TAU_I, D_I);
      gsl_vector_set(u_0,(size_t) t,u);
      if (gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= varphi(u, VARPHI_0, VARPHI_K))
      // Neuron 1
      u = get_u_i(1, t, history, graph,
		  TAU_E, D_E, TAU_I, D_I);
      gsl_vector_set(u_1,(size_t) t,u);
      if (gsl_ran_flat(r,0.0,1.0) <= varphi(u, VARPHI_0, VARPHI_K))
  // Upate history
  for (size_t n_idx = 0; n_idx < N_NEURONS; n_idx++)
      if (res[n_idx] == 1)
  return 0;

We know define the program and save it in a file called sim_2_neurons.c. The output contains, in addition to the spike trains and after them, two columns with \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) (this is dealt with in function write_sim_2n_results defined bellow the main function, an adaptation of write_sim_results):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector_uint.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <glib.h>



int free_graph(presynaptic **graph, size_t n_neurons);

GArray ** malloc_garrays2(size_t n_neurons);

int free_garrays2(GArray ** history, size_t n_neurons);



int write_sim_2n_results(size_t n_neurons, GArray **history,
			 gsl_vector * u_0,
			 gsl_vector * u_1);

int write_sim_gl_preamble(sim_gl_params * params, gsl_rng * r);

int mk_one_step_2n(int t,
		   GArray **history,
		   presynaptic **graph,
		   sim_gl_params * params,
		   gsl_rng * r,
		   gsl_vector * u_0,
		   gsl_vector * u_1);

double varphi(double u, double varphi_0, double k);

double get_u_i(size_t n_idx, int t,
	       GArray **history, presynaptic **graph,
	       double tau_e, size_t d_e,
	       double tau_i, size_t d_i);

int spike_or_not_early(double nu_bar,
		       gsl_rng * r);

double g_i(size_t delay, double tau_i, size_t d_i);

double g_e(size_t delay, double tau_e, size_t d_e);

gsl_vector * G_i(double tau_i, size_t d_i);

gsl_vector * G_e(double tau_e, size_t d_e);

int main(void)
  sim_gl_params params={
    .n_neurons=N_NEURONS,.d_e=D_E, .d_i=D_I, .total_steps=TOTAL_STEPS,
    .early_steps=EARLY_STEPS, .p_e=1.0, .p_i=1.0, .w_e_max=W_E,
    .w_e_min=W_E, .w_i_max=W_I, .w_i_min=W_I, .varphi_0=VARPHI_0,
    .varphi_k=VARPHI_K, .tau_e=TAU_E, .tau_i=TAU_I, .nu_bar=NU_BAR,
    .G_e=G_e(TAU_E, D_E),.G_i=G_i(TAU_I, D_I) 

  // Initialize RNG
  const gsl_rng_type * T;
  gsl_rng * r;

  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);

  // allocate memory for the network
  presynaptic **graph = malloc(N_NEURONS*sizeof(presynaptic*));
  graph[0] = malloc(sizeof(presynaptic));
  graph[0]->w = gsl_vector_alloc(1);
  graph[0]->idx = gsl_vector_uint_alloc(1);
  graph[1] = malloc(sizeof(presynaptic));
  graph[1]->w = gsl_vector_alloc(1);
  graph[1]->idx = gsl_vector_uint_alloc(1);
  // Initialize the network

  // allocate vectors containing u_0 and u_1
  gsl_vector * u_0 = gsl_vector_alloc(TOTAL_STEPS);
  gsl_vector * u_1 = gsl_vector_alloc(TOTAL_STEPS);

  // Allocate history
  GArray **history = malloc_garrays2 (params.n_neurons);

  // Write preamble
  write_sim_gl_preamble(&params, r);

  // Do the job
  for (int step_idx=0; step_idx < (int) TOTAL_STEPS; step_idx++)
      mk_one_step_2n(step_idx, history, graph, &params,
		     r, u_0, u_1);

  // Write results
  write_sim_2n_results(params.n_neurons, history, u_0, u_1);

  // Free memory taken up by history

  gsl_rng_free (r);
  free_graph(graph, params.n_neurons);
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);


int write_sim_2n_results(size_t n_neurons, GArray **history,
			 gsl_vector * u_0,
			 gsl_vector * u_1)
  for (size_t n_idx = 0; n_idx < n_neurons; n_idx++)
      fprintf(stdout,"# Start neuron %d with %d spikes\n",
	      (int) n_idx, history[n_idx]->len);
      for (size_t s_idx = 0; s_idx < history[n_idx]->len; s_idx++)
	  fprintf(stdout,"%d\n", g_array_index(history[n_idx],
      fprintf(stdout,"# End neuron %d\n",(int) n_idx);
  fprintf(stdout,"# u_0\t u_1\n");
  for (size_t t_idx=0; t_idx < TOTAL_STEPS; t_idx++)
    fprintf(stdout,"%10.5g\t %10.5g\n",gsl_vector_get(u_0,t_idx),
  return 0;












We compile the code with:

make P=sim_2_neurons
cc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11     sim_2_neurons.c  `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gsl `  -o sim_2_neurons

We run the code with:

./sim_2_neurons > sim_2_neurons_0.txt

And we plot part of the result with:

set grid
set xlabel "Time step"
set ylabel ""
set key bottom left
plot [7300:7900] [-5:2] "sim_2_neurons_0.txt" \
     index 2 u 0:1 title "u_0" w l lw 2,\
     "" index 2 u 0:2 title "u_1" w l lw 2,\
     "" index 0 u 1:(1.5) title "spikes of neuron 0" w impulses lw 2, \
     "" index 1 u 1:(-1.5) title "spikes of neuron 1" w impulses lw 2


Here we see by chance a spike in both neurons at time step 7687, the excitatory effect of neuron 0 on neuron 1 is there and is curtailed everytime neuron 1 fires, the same goes for the longer lasting inhibitory effect of neuron 1 on neuron 0. As expected, we get fewer spikes from neuron 0:

grep "# Start neuron 0" sim_2_neurons_0.txt
# Start neuron 0 with 102 spikes

than from neuron 1:

grep "# Start neuron 1" sim_2_neurons_0.txt
# Start neuron 1 with 144 spikes

This part of the code seems to be doing its job.

4.3 Checking that our code is doing what it is supposed to do (2)

We repeat what we just made but now neuron 1 excites and inhibits 0. The code is written in file sim_2_neuronsB.c and we just change lines 80-92 of sim_2_neurons.c for:

  graph[0] = malloc(sizeof(presynaptic));
  graph[0]->w = gsl_vector_alloc(2);
  graph[0]->idx = gsl_vector_uint_alloc(2);
  graph[1] = malloc(sizeof(presynaptic));
  graph[1]->w = gsl_vector_alloc(1);
  graph[1]->idx = gsl_vector_uint_alloc(1);
  // Initialize the network

We get a portion of the simulated data looking like:




The antennal lobe is the first olfactory relay of the insects, it is the equivalent of the olfactory bulb of the vertebrates.


Laurent G. (1996) Dynamical representation of odors by oscillating and evolving neural assemblies. TINS 19: 489-496.


Boeckh, J. and Ernst, K.-D. (1987) Contribution of single unit analysis in insects to an understanding of olfactory function. J Comp Physiol A 161: 549-565.


Nicol L. Schraudolph (1999) A Fast, Compact Approximation of the Exponential Function Neural Computation 11(4): 853-862.

Author: Christophe Pouzat

Created: 2016-09-08 jeu. 09:32
