Functions for Sorting with R

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This file contains function definitions and documentation.

These functions are designed to sort data for "long" recordings (several hours) in a "two steps" manner:

  • Few minutes at the beginning of the recording are used to establish the "model": a dictionary with one entry per neuron and, for each neuron, as many waveform as recording sites.
  • The model is then used on the subsequent minutes for template matching (with the peeling procedure for resolving superposition). The templates are the waveform of the model and they are allowed to evolve in order to track drifts.

2 Model estimation

2.1 cstValueSgts definition

Formal parameters:

  • x: a numeric vector.

Returns: an intgeger matrix with as many columns as segments where the derivative is null, the first row contains the index of the beginning of each segment, the second row contains the segments' lengths.

cstValueSgts <- function(x) {
    dx <- as.integer(abs(diff(x,2))/2 <= .Machine$double.eps) ## use "order 2" derivative estimates
    ## ddx is zero where the derivative did not change,
    ## it is one if the derivative becomes null and -1
    ## is the derivative stops being null
    ddx <- diff(dx) 
    ## s contains the indexes of the first
    ## points of segments where the
    ## derivative is null
    s <- (1:length(ddx))[ddx==1]
           function(b) {
               n <- ddx[(b+1):length(ddx)]

2.2 Definitions of generic function and time-series specific method for data exploration

Definition of the generic function:

explore <- function(x,...) {

Definition of the corresponding method for time series: Formal arguments:

  • x: a ts (time series) object.
  • offsetFactor: a numeric controlling the the spacing between the recording sites on the plot. Smaller values lead to closer spacing.
  • ...: additional arguments passed to matplot and plot functions called inernally.
explore.ts <- function(x,
                       ...) {

    yRange <- range(x,na.rm=TRUE)
    plotPara <- list(tlim = start(x)[1] + c(0,0.1),
                     ylim = yRange,
                     yMin = yRange[1],
                     yMax = yRange[2],
                     firstTime = start(x)[1],
                     lastTime = end(x)[1],
                     keepGoing = TRUE)
    nFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        rightTime <- rightTime + timeRange
        if (rightTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(rightTime - timeRange, rightTime)
    fFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        leftTime <- leftTime - timeRange
        if (leftTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, leftTime + timeRange)
    qFct <- function() {
        plotPara$keepGoing <- FALSE
    ## Function tFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the recording duration displayed on the window
    ## The user is invited to enter a factor which will be used to multiply the
    ## present duration displayed.
    ## If the resulting duration is too long a warning is given and the whole
    ## recording is shown.
    ## If possible the center of the displayed window is conserved.
    tFct <- function() {
        presentWindowLength <- diff(range(plotPara$tlim))
        tMessage <- paste("Present duration displayed: ", presentWindowLength, " \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "By what factor do you want to multiply it? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))
        if (theFactor <= 0) {
            cat("A negative or null factor does not make sense.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor <= 0
        ## Check that the new display length is reasonable
        totalLength <- plotPara$lastTime - plotPara$firstTime
        if (theFactor * presentWindowLength >= totalLength) {
            cat("Cannot show more data than available but only the entire record.\n ")
            plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$firstTime
            plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$lastTime

        windowCenter <- plotPara$tlim[1] + presentWindowLength / 2
        newLeft <- windowCenter - theFactor * presentWindowLength / 2
        newRight <- windowCenter + theFactor * presentWindowLength / 2
        if (!(newLeft >= plotPara$firstTime & newRight <= plotPara$lastTime)) {
            if (newLeft <= plotPara$firstTime) {
                cat("Cannot show data before the recording started, the displayed center wont be conserved.\n ")
                plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$firstTime
                plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$tlim[1] + theFactor * presentWindowLength
            if (newRight >= plotPara$lastTime) {
                cat("Cannot show data after the recording ended, the displayed center wont be conserved.\n ")
                plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$lastTime
                plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$tlim[2] - theFactor * presentWindowLength
        } ## End of conditional on !(newLeft >= plotPara$firstTime & newRight <= plotPara$lastTime)

        plotPara$tlim[1] <- newLeft
        plotPara$tlim[2] <- newRight
    ## End of function tFct definition

    ## Function rFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the maximal value displayed on the abscissa
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    rFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        tMessage <- paste("Present latest time displayed: ",
                          "\n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new latest time do want (return leaves things unchanged)? \n", sep = "")
        theNewTime <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))
        if ( { ## Nothing entered, leave things unchanged 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theNewTime <= plotPara$firstTime) {
            ## This choice does not make sense
            cat("Cannot display data before recording started.\n")

        if (theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
        } else {
            if (theNewTime <= leftTime) {
                ## The new latest time entered is smaller that the earliest time displayed
                cat("The new latest time is smaller than the earliest, adjustement will be made.\n")
                leftTime <- theNewTime - timeRange
                if (leftTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
                    cat("Adjustment requires a change in displayed duration.\n")
                    leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
            } ## End of conditional on theNewTime <= leftTime 
            rightTime <- theNewTime
        } ## End of conditional on theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, rightTime)

    ## Function lFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the minimal value displayed on the abscissa
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    lFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        tMessage <- paste("Present earliest time displayed: ",
                          "\n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new earliest time do want (return leaves things unchanged)? \n", sep = "")
        theNewTime <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))
        if ( { ## Nothing entered, leave things unchanged 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theNewTime >= plotPara$lastTime) {
            ## This choice does not make sense
            cat("Cannot display data after recording ended.\n")

        if (theNewTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
            cat("Recording start reached.\n ")
            leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
        } else {
            if (theNewTime >= rightTime) {
                ## The new earliest time entered is larger that the latest time displayed
                cat("The new earliest time is larger than the latest, adjustement will be made.\n")
                rightTime <- theNewTime + timeRange
                if (rightTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
                    cat("Adjustment requires a change in displayed duration.\n")
                    rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
            } ## End of conditional on theNewTime <= leftTime 
            leftTime <- theNewTime
        } ## End of conditional on theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, rightTime)

    ## Function yMaxFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the maximal value displayed on the ordinate
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    yMaxFct <- function() {
        presentWindowRange <- range(plotPara$ylim)
        tMessage <- paste("Present range displayed: [",
                          paste(presentWindowRange, collapse = ","),
                          "] \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new maximal ordinate value do want (return goes back to maximum)? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))

        if ( {
            plotPara$ylim <- c(presentWindowRange[1],plotPara$yMax) 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theFactor <= plotPara$ylim[1]) {
            cat("The maximum should be larger than the minimum.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor <= plotPara$ylim[1]

        plotPara$ylim <- c(presentWindowRange[1],theFactor) 
    ## End of function yMaxFct definition

    ## Function yMinFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the minimal value displayed on the ordinate
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    yMinFct <- function() {

        presentWindowRange <- range(plotPara$ylim)
        tMessage <- paste("Present range displayed: [",
                          paste(presentWindowRange, collapse = ","),
                          "] \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new minimal ordinate value do want (return goes back to minimum)? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))

        if ( {
            plotPara$ylim <- c(plotPara$yMin, presentWindowRange[2]) 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theFactor >= plotPara$ylim[2]) {
            cat("The minimum should be smaller than the maximum.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor >= plotPara$ylim[2]

        plotPara$ylim <- c(theFactor, presentWindowRange[2]) 
    ## End of function yMinFct definition

    show <- function(x,
                     ...) {

        s <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        e <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        y.m <- plotPara$ylim[1]
        y.M <- plotPara$ylim[2]
        m <- unclass(window(x,start=s,end=e))
        if (class(m) == "matrix") {
            m <- apply(m,2,function(x) ifelse(x < y.m, y.m,x))
            m <- apply(m,2,function(x) ifelse(x > y.M, y.M,x))
            ns <- dim(m)[2]
            offset <- c(0,-(1:(ns-1))*(y.M-y.m))
            m <- t(t(m)+offset*offsetFactor)
        } else {
            m[m<y.m] <- y.m
            m[m>y.M] <- y.M
    myMessage <- "Make a choice:\n n or 'return' (next); f (former); l (lower abscissa limit); r (upper abscissa limit) \n t (time scale); Y (upper ordinate limit); y (lower ordinate limit); q (quit) \n "

    while(plotPara$keepGoing) {
        myChoice <- readline(myMessage)

        plotPara <- switch(myChoice,
                           n = nFct(),
                           f = fFct(),
                           l = lFct(),
                           r = rFct(),
                           t = tFct(),
                           Y = yMaxFct(),
                           y = yMinFct(),
                           q = qFct(),

    } ## End of while loop on keepGoing

2.3 peaks and associated methods definition

Function peaks returns an object (essentially a vector of indices) of class eventsPos:

peaks <- function(x,
                  notZero=1e-3) {
    dx <- c(0,diff(x,2)/2,0)
    dx[abs(dx) < notZero] <- 0
    dx <- diff(sign(dx))
    res <- (1:length(dx))[dx < 0]
    res <- res[-length(res)][diff(res) > minimalDist]
    attr(res,"call") <-
    attr(res,"nIDx") <- length(x)
    class(res) <- "eventsPos"

Method as.eventsPos transforms a vector into an eventsPos object, its formal arguments are:

  • x: an integer vector with strictly increasing elements.
  • start: an integer, the sampling point at which observation started.
  • end: an integer, the sampling point at which observation ended.
as.eventsPos <- function(x,
                         ) {
    x <- as.integer(x)
    if (missing(start)) start <- floor(x)
    if (missing(end)) end <- ceiling(x)
    attr(x,"call") <-
    attr(x,"nIDx") <- end-start+1
    class(x) <- "eventsPos"

Method print.eventsPos prints an eventsPos object:

print.eventsPos <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\neventsPos object with indexes of ", length(x)," events. \n", sep = "")
  cat("  Mean inter event interval: ", round(mean(diff(x)),digits=2), " sampling points, corresponding SD: ", round(sd(diff(x)),digits=2), " sampling points \n", sep = "")
  cat("  Smallest and largest inter event intervals: ", paste(range(diff(x)),collapse=" and "), " sampling points. \n\n",sep= "")

2.4 Definition of an explore method for time series and eventsPos objects

The formal parameters of the method are:

  • x: an eventsPos object.
  • y: a ts (time series) object.
  • offsetFactor: a numeric controlling the the spacing between the recording sites on the plot. Smaller values lead to closer spacing.
  • events.pch: an integer of a character: the ploting character used to indicate events.
  • events.col: an integer or a character string coding the color used to indicate the event.
  • ...: additional arguments passed to matplot and plot functions called inernally.
explore.eventsPos <- function(x,y,
                              ...) {
    yRange <- range(y,na.rm=TRUE)
    plotPara <- list(tlim = start(y)[1] + c(0,0.1),
                     ylim = yRange,
                     yMin = yRange[1],
                     yMax = yRange[2],
                     firstTime = start(y)[1],
                     lastTime = end(y)[1],
                     keepGoing = TRUE)
    nFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        rightTime <- rightTime + timeRange
        if (rightTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(rightTime - timeRange, rightTime)
    fFct <- function() {
        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        leftTime <- leftTime - timeRange
        if (leftTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, leftTime + timeRange)
    qFct <- function() {
        plotPara$keepGoing <- FALSE
    ## Function tFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the recording duration displayed on the window
    ## The user is invited to enter a factor which will be used to multiply the
    ## present duration displayed.
    ## If the resulting duration is too long a warning is given and the whole
    ## recording is shown.
    ## If possible the center of the displayed window is conserved.
    tFct <- function() {

        presentWindowLength <- diff(range(plotPara$tlim))
        tMessage <- paste("Present duration displayed: ", presentWindowLength, " \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "By what factor do you want to multiply it? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))
        if (theFactor <= 0) {
            cat("A negative or null factor does not make sense.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor <= 0

        ## Check that the new display length is reasonable
        totalLength <- plotPara$lastTime - plotPara$firstTime
        if (theFactor * presentWindowLength >= totalLength) {
            cat("Cannot show more data than available but only the entire record.\n ")
            plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$firstTime
            plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$lastTime

        windowCenter <- plotPara$tlim[1] + presentWindowLength / 2
        newLeft <- windowCenter - theFactor * presentWindowLength / 2
        newRight <- windowCenter + theFactor * presentWindowLength / 2
        if (!(newLeft >= plotPara$firstTime & newRight <= plotPara$lastTime)) {
            if (newLeft <= plotPara$firstTime) {
                cat("Cannot show data before the recording started, the displayed center wont be conserved.\n ")
                plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$firstTime
                plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$tlim[1] + theFactor * presentWindowLength
            if (newRight >= plotPara$lastTime) {
                cat("Cannot show data after the recording ended, the displayed center wont be conserved.\n ")
                plotPara$tlim[2] <- plotPara$lastTime
                plotPara$tlim[1] <- plotPara$tlim[2] - theFactor * presentWindowLength
        } ## End of conditional on !(newLeft >= plotPara$firstTime & newRight <= plotPara$lastTime)

        plotPara$tlim[1] <- newLeft
        plotPara$tlim[2] <- newRight
    ## End of function tFct definition

    ## Function rFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the maximal value displayed on the abscissa
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    rFct <- function() {

        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        tMessage <- paste("Present latest time displayed: ",
                          "\n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new latest time do want (return leaves things unchanged)? \n", sep = "")

        theNewTime <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))
        if ( { ## Nothing entered, leave things unchanged 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theNewTime <= plotPara$firstTime) {
            ## This choice does not make sense
            cat("Cannot display data before recording started.\n")

        if (theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
            cat("Recording end reached.\n ")
            rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
        } else {
            if (theNewTime <= leftTime) {
                ## The new latest time entered is smaller that the earliest time displayed
                cat("The new latest time is smaller than the earliest, adjustement will be made.\n")
                leftTime <- theNewTime - timeRange
                if (leftTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
                    cat("Adjustment requires a change in displayed duration.\n")
                    leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
            } ## End of conditional on theNewTime <= leftTime 
            rightTime <- theNewTime
        } ## End of conditional on theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, rightTime)

    ## Function lFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the minimal value displayed on the abscissa
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    lFct <- function() {

        leftTime <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        rightTime <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        timeRange <- rightTime - leftTime
        tMessage <- paste("Present earliest time displayed: ",
                          "\n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new earliest time do want (return leaves things unchanged)? \n", sep = "")

        theNewTime <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))

        if ( { ## Nothing entered, leave things unchanged 
        } ## End of conditional on

        if (theNewTime >= plotPara$lastTime) {
            ## This choice does not make sense
            cat("Cannot display data after recording ended.\n")

        if (theNewTime < plotPara$firstTime) {
            cat("Recording start reached.\n ")
            leftTime <- plotPara$firstTime
        } else {
            if (theNewTime >= rightTime) {
                ## The new earliest time entered is larger that the latest time displayed
                cat("The new earliest time is larger than the latest, adjustement will be made.\n")
                rightTime <- theNewTime + timeRange
                if (rightTime > plotPara$lastTime) {
                    cat("Adjustment requires a change in displayed duration.\n")
                    rightTime <- plotPara$lastTime
            } ## End of conditional on theNewTime <= leftTime 
            leftTime <- theNewTime
        } ## End of conditional on theNewTime > plotPara$lastTime
        plotPara$tlim <- c(leftTime, rightTime)

    ## Function yMaxFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the maximal value displayed on the ordinate
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    yMaxFct <- function() {

        presentWindowRange <- range(plotPara$ylim)
        tMessage <- paste("Present range displayed: [",
                          paste(presentWindowRange, collapse = ","),
                          "] \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new maximal ordinate value do want (return goes back to maximum)? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))

        if ( {
            plotPara$ylim <- c(presentWindowRange[1],plotPara$yMax) 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theFactor <= plotPara$ylim[1]) {
            cat("The maximum should be larger than the minimum.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor <= plotPara$ylim[1]

        plotPara$ylim <- c(presentWindowRange[1],theFactor) 
    ## End of function yMaxFct definition

    ## Function yMinFct definition
    ## Allows the user to change the minimal value displayed on the ordinate
    ## The user is invited to enter a value.
    yMinFct <- function() {

        presentWindowRange <- range(plotPara$ylim)
        tMessage <- paste("Present range displayed: [",
                          paste(presentWindowRange, collapse = ","),
                          "] \n", sep = "")
        tMessage <- paste(tMessage,
                          "What new minimal ordinate value do want (return goes back to minimum)? \n", sep = "")
        theFactor <- as.numeric(readline(tMessage))

        if ( {
            plotPara$ylim <- c(plotPara$yMin, presentWindowRange[2]) 
        } ## End of conditional on
        if (theFactor >= plotPara$ylim[2]) {
            cat("The minimum should be smaller than the maximum.\n")
        } ## End of conditional on theFactor >= plotPara$ylim[2]

        plotPara$ylim <- c(theFactor, presentWindowRange[2]) 
    ## End of function yMinFct definition

    show <- function(x,
                     ...) {

        s <- plotPara$tlim[1]
        e <- plotPara$tlim[2]
        y.m <- plotPara$ylim[1]
        y.M <- plotPara$ylim[2]
        firstIdx <- round(max(1,s*frequency(y)))
        lastIdx <- round(min(end(y)[1]*frequency(y),e*frequency(y)))
        ii <- firstIdx:lastIdx
        xx <- x[firstIdx <= x & x <= lastIdx]
        if (class(y)[1] == "mts") {
            m <- y[ii,]
            if (length(xx) > 0)
                mAtx <- as.matrix(y)[xx,,drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            m <- y[ii]
            if (length(xx) > 0)
                mAtx <- y[xx]
        if (class(m) == "matrix") {
            m <- apply(m,2,function(x) ifelse(x < y.m, y.m,x))
            m <- apply(m,2,function(x) ifelse(x > y.M, y.M,x))
            ns <- dim(m)[2]
            offset <- c(0,-(1:(ns-1))*(y.M-y.m))
            m <- t(t(m)+offset*offsetFactor)
            if (length(xx) > 0) {
                mAtx <- t(t(mAtx)+offset*offsetFactor)
        } else {
            m[m<y.m] <- y.m
            m[m>y.M] <- y.M
            if (length(xx) > 0)
    myMessage <- "Make a choice:\n n or 'return' (next); f (former); l (lower abscissa limit); r (upper abscissa limit) \n t (time scale); Y (upper ordinate limit); y (lower ordinate limit); q (quit) \n "

    while(plotPara$keepGoing) {
        myChoice <- readline(myMessage)

        plotPara <- switch(myChoice,
                           n = nFct(),
                           f = fFct(),
                           l = lFct(),
                           r = rFct(),
                           t = tFct(),
                           Y = yMaxFct(),
                           y = yMinFct(),
                           q = qFct(),
    } ## End of while loop on keepGoing

2.5 Function cutSglEvt

Its formal parameters are:

  • evtPos: a numeric or integer interpretable as an index, the posistion at which cuts will be produced.
  • data: a numeric vector of matrix containing the data. If vector the argument is converted as a single column matrix internally. The matrix rows are indexed by sampling points and its columns by recording sites / channels.
  • before: an integer: the number of sampling points within the cut before the reference time given by evtPos.
  • after: an integer: the number of sampling points after the reference time.

It returns:

  • A numeric vector with the cut(s). When several recording sites are used the cuts of each individual sites are placed one after the other.
cutSglEvt <- function(evtPos,
                      ) {
    evtPos <- as.integer(evtPos) ## make sure evtPos is an integer
    before <- as.integer(before) ## make sure before is an integer
    stopifnot(0 <= before) ## make sure before is positive or null
    after <- as.integer(after)
    stopifnot(0 <= after) ## make sure after is positive or null
    if (is.vector(data)) data <- matrix(data,nc=1)
    ns <- dim(data)[2]
    dl <- dim(data)[1]
    stopifnot(0<evtPos, evtPos<=dl) ## make sure evtPos is within range
    sl <- before+after+1 ## the length of the cut
    keep <- -before:after + evtPos
    within <- 1 <= keep & keep <= dl
    kw <- keep[within]
    res <- sapply(1:ns,
                  function(idx) {
                      v <- numeric(sl)
                      v[within] <- data[kw,idx]

2.6 Function mkEvents

Its formal parameters are:

  • positions: an integer vector with events' positions as indices / sampling points or an eventsPos object.
  • data: a numeric vector of matrix containing the data or a 'ts' or 'mts' object. If vector the argument is converted as a single column matrix internally. The matrix rows are indexed by sampling points and its columns by recording sites / channels.
  • before: an integer, the number of sampling points within the cut before the reference times given by positions.
  • after: an integer, the number of sampling points within the cut after the reference times given by positions.

It returns a matrix with before + after + 1 rows and as many columns as elements in positions. Each column is an "event", that is, a set of cuts on the data. Attribute "positions" contains the value of the argument with the same name and attribute "data" contains the name of the corresponding argument, attribute "before" contains the value of the argument with the same name, attribute "after" contains the value of the argument with the same name, attribute "numberOfSites" contains the number of recording sites. Attribute "delta" is used when events are realligned on their mean waveforms (during "jitter cancellation"). The returned matrix is given an "events" class.

mkEvents <- function(positions,
                     ) {
    positions <- unclass(positions)
    data <- unclass(data)
    res <- sapply(positions,
                  after) <-
    attr(res,"positions") <- positions
    attr(res,"delta") <- NULL
    attr(res,"data") <-[["data"]]
    attr(res,"before") <- before
    attr(res,"after") <- after
    attr(res,"numberOfSites") <- ifelse(is.matrix(data),dim(data)[2],1)
    attr(res,"call") <-
    class(res) <- "events"

2.7 events methods <- function(object,
                           ...) {
  b <- attr(object,"before")
  a <- attr(object,"after")
  ns <- attr(object,"numberOfSites")
  cat("\nevents object deriving from data set: ",attr(object,"data"),".\n",sep="")
  cat(" Events defined as cuts of ", a+b+1, " sampling points on each of the ",ns, " recording sites.\n",sep="")
  cat(" The 'reference' time of each event is located at point ", b+1, " of the cut.\n",sep="")
  if (!is.null(attr(object,"delta"))) {
    cat(" Events were realigned on median event.\n",sep="")
  cat(" There are ", length(attr(object,"positions")), " events in the object.\n\n",sep="")
"[.events" <- function(x,i,j,drop = FALSE) {
    y <- NextMethod("[")
    if (!missing(i)) return(NULL)
    if (is.matrix(y) && dim(y)[2] > 1) {
        attr(y,"positions") <- attr(x,"positions")[j]
        attr(y,"delta") <- attr(x,"delta")
        attr(y,"data") <- attr(x,"data")
        attr(y,"before") <- attr(x,"before")
        attr(y,"after") <- attr(x,"after")
        attr(y,"numberOfSites") <- attr(x,"numberOfSites")
        attr(y,"call") <-
        class(y) <- "events"
} <- function(x) {
} <- function(x,...) {
} <- function(x,na.rm = FALSE) {
'' <- function(e1,e2) {
    stopifnot(length(e2) == dim(e1)[1])
    res <- unclass(e1)-e2
    attr(res,"positions") <- attr(e1,"positions")
    attr(res,"delta") <- attr(e1,"delta")
    attr(res,"data") <- attr(e1,"data")
    attr(res,"before") <- attr(e1,"before")
    attr(res,"after") <- attr(e1,"after")
    attr(res,"numberOfSites") <- attr(e1,"numberOfSites")
    attr(res,"call") <-
    class(res) <- "events"
} <- function(x,
                        evts.lwd = 0.1,
                        medAndMad = TRUE,
                        evts.col = "black",
                        med.col = "red",
                        mad.col = "blue",
               = NULL,
               = NULL) {

    nsites <- attr(x,"numberOfSites")
    ne <- dim(x)[2]
    cl <- dim(x)[1]/nsites
    ylim <- range(x)
    if (nsites > 1) {
        ii <- 2*(1:(nsites %/% 2))
    if (medAndMad) {
        med <- apply(x,1,median)
        mad <- apply(x,1,mad)
    if (!is.null( segments(x0=0,y0=ylim[1]+0.1*diff(ylim),
    if (!is.null( segments(x0=0,y0=ylim[1]+0.1*diff(ylim),y1=ylim[1]+0.1*diff(ylim)
} <- function(x,
                         evts.lwd = 0.1,
                         evts.col = "black",
                         ) {
} <- function(x, 
                         ... ) {,...)

2.8 mkNoise definition

mkNoise <- function(positions,
                    size=2000) {
    positions <- unclass(positions)
    data <- unclass(data)
    if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- matrix(data,nc=1)
    size <- as.integer(size)
    stopifnot(0 < size) ## make sure size is a positive integer
    sl <- before+after+1
    ns <- dim(data)[2]
    i1 <- diff(positions) ## inter events intervals
    nbI <- (i1-round(safetyFactor*sl))%/%sl ## number of noise sweeps
    ## one can cut from each
    ## interval
    nbPossible <- min(size,
    ## allocate next the memory for the noise events
    noiseMatrix <- matrix(0,
    iV <- (1:length(i1))[nbI>0] ## A vector containing the indexes of
    ## the (inter event) intervals from
    ## which at least one noise sweep can be
    ## cut.
    iIdx <- 1 ## an index running over the inter event intervals from
    ## which noise events can be cut.
    nInI <- nbI[iV[iIdx]] ## the number of noise sweeps that can be cut
    ## from the "non empty" inter event interval
    ## iV[iIdx].
    nIdx <- 1 ## An index running over the noise sweeps.
    noisePositions <- integer(nbPossible)
    while (nIdx <= nbPossible) {
        uInI <- 1 ## An index running over the noise sweeps that will be
        ## cut from a given "non empty" inter event interval.
        iPos <- positions[iV[iIdx]] + round(safetyFactor*sl)
        noisePositions[nIdx] <- iPos
        while (uInI <= nInI & 
               nIdx <= nbPossible
               ) {
            ii <- (-before:after) + iPos
            ns <- as.vector(data[ii,])
            noiseMatrix[,nIdx] <- ns
            nIdx <- nIdx + 1
            iPos <- iPos + sl
            uInI <- uInI + 1
        } ## End of while loop on uInI
        iIdx <- iIdx + 1
        nInI <- nbI[iV[iIdx]]
    } ## End of while loop on nIdx <-
    attr(noiseMatrix,"positions") <- noisePositions
    attr(noiseMatrix,"delta") <- NULL
    attr(noiseMatrix,"data") <-[["data"]]
    attr(noiseMatrix,"before") <- before
    attr(noiseMatrix,"after") <- after
    attr(noiseMatrix,"numberOfSites") <- ifelse(is.matrix(data),dim(data)[2],1)
    attr(noiseMatrix,"call") <-
    class(noiseMatrix) <- "events"

2.9 Definition of an explore method for pca results

explore.prcomp <- function(x,
                           pc=1, ##<< an integer: the pc index to add to the mean.
                           factor=2, ##<< a numeric, the scaling factor; that is, the plot shows mean +/- factor * pc.
                           m.col="black", ##<< a character string or an integer, the color used for mean.
                           u.col="red", ##<< a character string or an integer, the color used for mean + factor * pc.
                           l.col="blue", ##<< a character string or an integer, the color used for mean - factor * pc.
                           xlab="Index", ##<< a character string with the abscissa label.
                           ylab="Amplitude", ##<< a character string with the ordinate label.
                           main, ##<< a character string with the title. If 'missing' (default) one is automatically generated.
                           ... ##<< additional arguments passed to 'plot'.
                           ) {
    if (missing(main)) {
        w <- x$sdev[pc]^2/sum(x$sdev^2)
        main <- paste("PC ",pc," (",round(100*w,digits=1),"%)",sep="")
    u <- x$center + factor * x$rotation[,pc]
    l <- x$center - factor * x$rotation[,pc]

2.10 Definition of get_jitter

We define a function that estimates the jitter given:

  • evts: an event—or a matrix of events where individual events form the columns.
  • center: the 'central' (median) event on which the alignment will be performed.
  • centerD: the first derivative of the central event.
  • centerDD: the second derivative of the central event.

The functions returns a vector of estimated jitters giving the amount of sampling points by which the central event should be shifted in order to best match each individual events. This sampling jitter estimation is performed by a two stages procedure:

  1. Linear regression is first used get a first jitter estimation based on a first order Taylor expansion.
  2. A Newton-Raphson step is used to refine the first estimation (used as a starting point) based on a second order Taylor expansion.
get_jitter <- function(evts,
    centerD_norm2 <- sum(centerD^2)
    centerDD_norm2 <- sum(centerDD^2)
    centerD_dot_centerDD <- sum(centerD*centerDD)
    if (is.null(dim(evts))) evts <- matrix(evts, nc=1)
    evts <- evts - center
    h_dot_centerD <- centerD %*% evts 
    delta0 <- h_dot_centerD/centerD_norm2
    h_dot_centerDD <- centerDD %*% evts
    first <- -2*h_dot_centerD + 2*delta0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + 3*delta0^2*centerD_dot_centerDD + delta0^3*centerDD_norm2 
    second <- 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + 6*delta0*centerD_dot_centerDD + 3*delta0^2*centerDD_norm2
    as.vector(delta0 - first/second)

2.11 Definition of mk_aligned_events

We define a function taking a vector of spike times, that should all come from the same cluster and correspond to reasonably "clean" events, and three arguments corresponding to the last three arguments of mkEvents, the function returns a events object. The positions attribute of the returned object gives the nearest sampling point to the actual peak. The delta attribute gives the offset between the previous spike position and the "actual" peak position (the actual position is attribute positions minus attribute delta):

mk_aligned_events <- function(positions,
    dataD = apply(data,2,function(x) c(0,diff(x,2)/2,0))
    dataDD = apply(dataD,2,function(x) c(0,diff(x,2)/2,0))
    evts = mkEvents(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mkEvents(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mkEvents(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    evts_median = apply(evts,1,median)
    evtsD_median = apply(evtsD,1,median)
    evtsDD_median = apply(evtsDD,1,median)
    evts_jitter = get_jitter(evts,evts_median,evtsD_median,evtsDD_median)
    ## positions = positions-[round(x.item(0)) for x in np.nditer(evts_jitter)]
    positions = positions-round(evts_jitter)
    evts = mkEvents(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mkEvents(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mkEvents(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    evts_median = apply(evts,1,median)
    evtsD_median = apply(evtsD,1,median)
    evtsDD_median = apply(evtsDD,1,median)
    evts_jitter = get_jitter(evts,evts_median,evtsD_median,evtsDD_median)
    res = unclass(evts) - evtsD_median %o% evts_jitter - evtsDD_median %o% evts_jitter^2/2
    attributes(res) = attributes(evts)
    attr(res,"positions") <-  positions
    attr(res,"call") <-
    attr(res,"delta") <- evts_jitter

2.12 Definition of mk_center_list

We define function mk_center_list that given:

  • positions, a vector of spike times, that should all come from the same cluster and correspond to reasonably "clean" events,
  • data, a data matrix,
  • before, the number of sampling point to keep before the peak,
  • after, the number of sampling point to keep after the peak,

returns a nammed list with the following elements and their content:

  • center: the estimate of the center (obtained from the median),
  • centerD: the estimate of the center's derivative (obtained from the median of events cut on the derivative of data),
  • centerDD: the estimate of the center's second derivative (obtained from the median of events cut on the second derivative of data),
  • centerD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's derivative,
  • centerDD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's second derivative,
  • centerD_dot_centerDD: the scalar product of the center's first and second derivatives,
  • center_idx: an array of indices going from -before to after.

The peeling procedure, requiers, for each cluster, estimates of its center and of its first two derivatives. Clusters' centers must moreover be built such that they can be used for subtraction, this implies that we should make them long enough, on both side of the peak, to see them go back to baseline. Formal parameters before and after should therefore be set to larger values than the ones used for clustering.

mk_center_list = function(positions,
                           after=80) {
    dataD = apply(data,2,function(x) c(0,diff(x,2)/2,0))
    dataDD = apply(dataD,2,function(x) c(0,diff(x,2)/2,0))
    evts = mkEvents(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mkEvents(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mkEvents(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    evts_median = apply(evts,1,median)
    evtsD_median = apply(evtsD,1,median)
    evtsDD_median = apply(evtsDD,1,median)
    list("center" = evts_median, 
         "centerD" = evtsD_median, 
         "centerDD" = evtsDD_median, 
         "centerD_norm2" = sum(evtsD_median^2),
         "centerDD_norm2" = sum(evtsDD_median^2),
         "centerD_dot_centerDD" = sum(evtsD_median*evtsDD_median), 
         "center_idx" = -before:after)

2.13 Definition of classify_and_align_evt

The formal parameters of classify_and_align_evt are:

  • a set of events' positions,
  • a data matrix containing the raw (but normalized data),
  • a named list of centers,
  • arguments before and after corresponding to arguments with those names in mk_center_list,

returns a list with the following element:

  • the name of the closest center in terms of Euclidean distance or "?" if none of the clusters' waveform does better than a uniformly null one,
  • the new position of the event (the previous position corrected by the integer part of the estimated jitter),
  • the remaining jitter.
classify_and_align_evt <- function(evt_pos,
    cluster_names = names(centers)
    n_sites = dim(data)[2]
    centersM = sapply(cluster_names,
        function(cn) centers[[cn]][["center"]][rep(-before <= centers[[cn]][["center_idx"]] &
                                                   centers[[cn]][["center_idx"]] <= after,
    evt = cutSglEvt(evt_pos,data=data,before=before, after=after)
    delta = -(centersM - evt)
    cluster_idx = which.min(apply(delta^2,2,sum))
    good_cluster_name = cluster_names[cluster_idx]
    good_cluster_idx = rep(-before <= centers[[good_cluster_name]][["center_idx"]] &
        centers[[good_cluster_name]][["center_idx"]] <= after,
    centerD = centers[[good_cluster_name]][["centerD"]][good_cluster_idx]
    centerD_norm2 = sum(centerD^2)
    centerDD = centers[[good_cluster_name]][["centerDD"]][good_cluster_idx]
    centerDD_norm2 = sum(centerDD^2)
    centerD_dot_centerDD = sum(centerD*centerDD)
    h = delta[,cluster_idx]
    h_order0_norm2 = sum(h^2)
    h_dot_centerD = sum(h*centerD)
    jitter0 = h_dot_centerD/centerD_norm2
    h_order1_norm2 = sum((h-jitter0*centerD)^2) 
    if (h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2) {
        h_dot_centerDD = sum(h*centerDD)
        first = -2*h_dot_centerD + 2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) +
            3*jitter0^2*centerD_dot_centerDD + jitter0^3*centerDD_norm2
        second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + 6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + 
        jitter1 = jitter0 - first/second
        h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD-jitter1^2/2*centerDD)^2)
        if (h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2) {
            jitter1 = jitter0
    } else {
        jitter1 = 0
    if (abs(round(jitter1)) > 0) {
        evt_pos = evt_pos - round(jitter1)
        evt = cutSglEvt(evt_pos,data=data,before=before, after=after)
        h = evt - centers[[good_cluster_name]][["center"]][good_cluster_idx]
        h_order0_norm2 = sum(h^2)
        h_dot_centerD = sum(h*centerD)
        jitter0 = h_dot_centerD/centerD_norm2
        h_order1_norm2 = sum((h-jitter0*centerD)^2) 
        if (h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2) {
            h_dot_centerDD = sum(h*centerDD)
            first = -2*h_dot_centerD + 2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + 
                3*jitter0^2*centerD_dot_centerDD + jitter0^3*centerDD_norm2
            second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + 6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + 
            jitter1 = jitter0 - first/second
            h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD-jitter1^2/2*centerDD)^2)
            if (h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2) {
                jitter1 = jitter0
        } else {
            jitter1 = 0
    if (sum(evt^2) > sum((h-jitter1*centerD-jitter1^2/2*centerDD)^2)) 
        return(list(cluster_names[cluster_idx], evt_pos, jitter1))
        return(list('?',evt_pos, jitter1))

2.14 Definition of predict_data

The formal parameters of predict_data are:

  • class_pos_jitter_list: a list of lists. Each sub-list corresponds to a single detected event and as three components: the cluster of origin (or "?" if none was found), the position and the jitter.
  • centers_list: a list of list. Each sub-list is the result of a call to mk_center_list.
  • nb_channels: an integer, the number of recording channels.
  • data_length: an integer, the length of the data.

The function returns a matrix with data_length rows and nb_channels columns with observations predictions based on class_pos_jitter_list and centers_list.

predict_data <- function(class_pos_jitter_list,
                         data_length=300000) {
    res = matrix(0,nc=nb_channels, nr=data_length)
    for (class_pos_jitter in class_pos_jitter_list) {
        cluster_name = class_pos_jitter[[1]]
        if (cluster_name != '?') {
            center = centers_list[[cluster_name]][["center"]]
            centerD = centers_list[[cluster_name]][["centerD"]]
            centerDD = centers_list[[cluster_name]][["centerDD"]]
            jitter = class_pos_jitter[[3]]
            pred = center + jitter*centerD + jitter^2/2*centerDD
            pred = matrix(pred,nc=nb_channels)
            idx = centers_list[[cluster_name]][["center_idx"]] + class_pos_jitter[[2]]
            within = 0 < idx & idx <= data_length
            kw = idx[within]
            res[kw,] = res[kw,] + pred[within,]

3 Template matching

3.1 Making "all at once"

After classifying a single trial, we would like to classify the subsequent ones (from the same experiment and the same tetrode) without re-estimating the model every time. If the recording conditions were perfectly stable we could proceed rather easily and in fact to the job in parallel. There are nevertheless few sources of variability we should be ready to cope with:

  • First and foremost we can observe a slow drift of the electrodes inducing a change in the relative positions of the neurons and the electrodes. This results in a change of the waveform generated by the neurons on the different recording sites. Since these drifts usually occur on a slow time scale (several minutes) the easiest way to deal with them is to process the data sequentially, in the order in which they were recorded (that precludes the parallel processing alluded to above) and to make the templates evolve slowly by computing, at the end of each trial a weighted average of the templates just used and of the ones obtained by averaging the well isolated events that were just classified.
  • A neuron can disappear (because it dies–don't forget that our probes are large and damage the neurons upon insertion–or because of the drift) or appear (because of the drift or "something else" like an hormonal regulation). In the latter case, the model (list of templates) should be updated to include a new element. In any case, the way to detect these appearances / disappearances is to monitor at the end of each trial classification the number of spikes attributed to each neuron of the model as well as the number of unclassified events.

3.1.1 What should our "all at once" function do?

The first thing is to print the five-number summary so that if something went really wrong (amplifier saturation, large noise increase) it will be readily detected. It is then a good idea to print after each peeling round the total number of detected events, the number of events attributed to each neuron and the number of unclassified events. At the end we want to print these same numbers obtained from the whole peeling procedure. The function will also return in a list the following elements:

  • prediction: A predicted trace (the overall version of the previous predX).
  • residual: A residual trace (the data minus the prediction).
  • classification: The round_all object above.
  • unknown: An events object containing the unclassified events (for quick monitoring in case of problems).
  • centers: A version of centers computed from the data just analyzed (so that the user can make a weighted average at will).
  • counts: A vector with the total number of events, the number of events from each neuron and the number of unclassified events.

3.1.2 all_at_once definition

The formal parameters (arguments) of all_at_once are:

  • data: the un-normalized data matrix.
  • centers: the current model (obtained for instance by calling mk_center_list).
  • thres: the detection thresholds.
  • filter_length_1: the filter used during the first peeling round.
  • filter_length: the filter used during the subsequent peeling rounds.
  • minimalDist_1: dead time length imposed at first detection during first peeling round (argument minimalDist of peaks).
  • minimalDist: dead time length imposed during the subsequent peeling rounds.
  • before: parameter with the same name used in mk_center_list.
  • after: parameter with the same name used in mk_center_list.
  • detection_cycle: a vector with as many elements as peeling round. The elements must be in {0,1,..,number of channels}. The length controls the number of peeling rounds and the value of each element controls where is the spike detection performed: 0 means on every channel and 1, 2,… mean on channel 1, 2,…
  • verbose: controls the verbosity: if 0 nothing is printed to the stdout; if 1 the final results are printed; if 2 (default) the final and intermediate (following each peeling round) results are printed.

So let us define our function:

all_at_once = function(data, ## an unormalized data matrix
                       centers, ## a list of centers
                       thres=4*c(1,1,1,1), ## threshold vector
                       filter_length_1=5, ## length of first filter
                       filter_length=5, ## length of subsequent filters
                       minimalDist_1=15, ## dead time length imposed at first detection
                       minimalDist=10, ## dead time length imposed at subsequent detection
                       before, ## parameter of centers
                       after, ## parameter of centers
                       detection_cycle=c(0,1,2,3,4), ## where is detection done during the peeling
                       verbose=2 ## verbosity level
                       ) {
    n_samples = dim(data)[1] ## Number of sample points
    n_chan = dim(data)[2] ## Number of channels
    n_rounds = length(detection_cycle)
    if (verbose > 0) {
        ## print five number summary
        cat("The five number summary is:\n")
    ## normalize the data
    data.mad = apply(data,2,mad)
    data = t((t(data)-apply(data,2,median))/data.mad)
    filtered_data_mad = sapply(c(filter_length_1,filter_length),
                               function(l) {
                                   lDf = -data
                                   lDf = filter(lDf,rep(1,l)/l)
                                   lDf[] = 0
    ## Define local function detecting spikes
    get_sp = function(dataM,
                      minimalDist=15) {
        lDf = -dataM
        lDf = filter(lDf,rep(1,f_length)/f_length)
        lDf[] = 0
        lDf = t(t(lDf)/MAD)
        bellow.thrs = t(t(lDf) < thres)
        lDfr = lDf
        lDfr[bellow.thrs] = 0
        if (site_idx == 0)
            res = peaks(apply(lDfr,1,sum),minimalDist)
            res = peaks(lDfr[,site_idx],minimalDist)
        res[res>before & res < dim(dataM)[1]-after]
    out_names = c(names(centers),"?") ## Possible names for classification
    data0 = data ## The normalized version of the data
    for (r_idx in 1:n_rounds) {
        s_idx = detection_cycle[r_idx]
        if (verbose > 1 && s_idx==0)
            cat(paste("Doing now round",r_idx-1,"detecting on all sites\n"))
        if (verbose > 1 && s_idx!=0)
            cat(paste("Doing now round",r_idx-1,"detecting on site",s_idx,"\n"))
        sp = get_sp(dataM=data,
        if (length(sp)==0) next
        new_round = lapply(as.vector(sp),classify_and_align_evt,
        pred = predict_data(new_round,centers,
                            nb_channels = n_chan,
                            data_length = n_samples)
        data = data - pred
        res = sapply(out_names,
                     function(n) sum(sapply(new_round, function(l) l[[1]] == n)))
        res = c(length(sp),res)
        names(res) = c("Total",out_names)
        if (verbose > 1) {
        if (r_idx==1)
            round_all = new_round
            round_all = c(round_all,new_round)

    ## Get the global prediction
    pred = predict_data(round_all,centers,
    ## Get the residuals
    resid = data0 - pred
    ## Repeat inital detection on resid
    sp = get_sp(dataM=resid,
    ## make events objects from this stuff
    unknown = mkEvents(sp,resid,before,after)
    ## get global counts
    res = sapply(out_names,
                 function(n) sum(sapply(round_all, function(l) l[[1]] == n)))
    res["?"] = length(sp)
    names(res) = c("Total",out_names)
    if (verbose > 0) {
        cat("Global counts at classification's end:\n")
    ## Get centers
    obs_nb = lapply(out_names[-length(out_names)],
                    function(cn) sum(sapply(round_all, function(l) l[[1]]==cn)))
    names(obs_nb) = out_names[-length(out_names)]
    spike_trains = lapply(out_names[-length(out_names)],
                          function(cn) {
                              if (obs_nb[cn] <= 1)
                                  res = sapply(round_all[sapply(round_all, function(l) l[[1]]==cn)],
                              res[res>0 & res<n_samples]
    centersN = lapply(1:length(spike_trains),
                      function(st_idx) {
                          if (length(spike_trains[[st_idx]]) == 0)
    names(centersN) = out_names[-length(out_names)]

3.2 get_data

Function get_data should read data from an (HDF5) file and return a matrix suitable as argument data in all_at_once. We define it here to take the following arguments:

  • trial_idx: the trial index.
  • stim: the name of the group in HDF5 jargon.
  • channels: a vector of channel names.
  • file: the name of the file containing the data.
get_data = function(trial_idx,
                    file="locust20010214_part1.hdf5") {
    prefix = ifelse(trial_idx<10,
           function(n) {
               h5read(file, paste0(prefix,"/",n))

3.3 sort_many_trials definition

We define now function sort_many_trials. This function takes the following formal parameters:

  • inter_trial_time: the time (in sample points) between two successive trials. Example 10*15000.
  • get_data_fct: a function loading the data of a single trial (like get_data we just defined). This function should take a trial number as its first argument and a sequence name as its second.
  • stim_name: the sequence name making the second argument of function get_data_fct. Example "1-Hexanol".
  • trial_nbs: a vector containing the indices of the trials to sort. Example 1:30. It can be c(1:20,23:30) if the LabBook states that there was some noise during trials 21 and 22. It can also be 30:1 if we want to sort the trial sequence backwards.
  • centers: a list use as argument centers in all_at_once.
  • counts: a vector with the number of counts each unit got at the previous stage.
  • all_at_once_call_list: a named list with the arguments used in the previous call to all_at_once except the first two.
  • layout_matrix: a matrix controlling the layout of the diagnostic plots generated while the function is running.
  • new_weight_in_update: the maximal weight of the new template in the estimation of the current one.

The policy controlling the template evolution is:

  • If no spikes were attributed to the neuron at the last trial, the template remains the same.
  • If o>0 spikes were attributed to the neuron at the last trial and n spikes were attributed to it at the present trial, the new template is obtained as a weighted average of the last one and the present one (obtained as the pointwise median of the actual events) where the weight of the new is w = new_weight_in_update*min(1,n/o) and the weight of the last one is 1-w.

The function returns a list with the following elements:

  • centers: the last estimation of the templates.
  • counts: the last counts.
  • centers_L: a list of matrices. Each matrix contains the successive template for each neuron (used to track template evolution).
  • counts_M: a matrix with the successive counts.
  • spike_trains: a list of spike trains, one per neuron.
sort_many_trials = function(inter_trial_time,
                            ) {
    centers_old = centers
    counts_old = counts
    counts_M = matrix(0,nr=length(trial_nbs),nc=length(counts_old))
    centers_L = lapply(centers,
                       function(c) {
                           res = matrix(0,nr=length(c$center),nc=length(trial_nbs))
                           res[,1] = c$center
    names(centers_L) = names(centers)
    nbc = length(centers)
    spike_trains = vector("list",nbc)
    names(spike_trains) = paste("Cluster",1:nbc)
    for (trial_idx in trial_nbs) {
        ref_data = get_data_fct(trial_idx,stim_name)
        cat(paste0("***************\nDoing now trial ",trial_idx," of ",stim_name,"\n"))
        analysis =,
        cat(paste0("Trial ",trial_idx," done!\n******************\n"))
        centers_new = analysis$centers
        counts_new = analysis$counts
        counts_M[idx,] = counts_new
        centers = centers_new
        for (c_idx in 1:length(centers)){
            n = counts_new[c_idx+1]
            o = counts_old[c_idx+1]
            w = new_weight_in_update*ifelse(o>0,min(1,n/o),0) ## New template weight
            centers_L[[c_idx]][,idx] = centers[[c_idx]]$center
        the_pch = if (nbc<10) c(paste(1:nbc),"?")
                  else c(paste(1:9),letters[1:(nbc-9)],"?")
        c_range = range(sapply(centers_L,
                               function(m) range(m[,1:idx])))
        for (i in 1:nbc) {
            if (idx<3)
        centers_old = centers
        counts_old = counts_new
        round_all = analysis$classification
        st = lapply(paste("Cluster",1:nbc),
                    function(cn) sapply(round_all[sapply(round_all,
                                                         function(l) l[[1]]==cn)],
                                        function(l) l[[2]]+l[[3]]))
        names(st) = paste("Cluster",1:nbc)
        for (cn in paste("Cluster",1:nbc)) {
            if (length(st[[cn]]) > 0)
                spike_trains[[cn]] = c(spike_trains[[cn]],
                (trial_idx-1)*inter_trial_time + sort(st[[cn]]))
        idx = idx+1
    spike_trains = lapply(spike_trains,sort)

4 Some diagnostic functions

4.1 Functions that can be used for single trials

4.1.1 ISI distributions

We define a plot_isi function that plots the ECDF (empirical cumulative distribution function) of the ISI:

plot_isi = function(isi, ## vector of ISIs
                    xlab="ISI (s)",
                    ... ## additional arguments passed to plot
                    ) {
    isi = sort(isi)/sampling_frequency
    n = length(isi)

4.1.2 Forward and Backward Recurrence Times

The forward recurrence time (FRT) between neuron A and B is the elapsed time between a spike in A and the next spike in B. The backward recurrence time (BRT) is the same thing except that we look for the former spike in B. If A and B are not correlated, the expected density of the FRT is the survival function (1-CDF) of the ISI from B divided by the mean ISI of B (the same holds for the BRT under the null hypothesis after taking the opposite). All that is correct if the data are stationary.

We define next a function test_rt that plots a variance stabilized version of the histograms of the FRT and BRT minus the variance stabilized version under the null. The variance stabilization version is replacing the histogram bin counts \(y\) by \(\sqrt{y} + \sqrt{y+1}\). This transformation stabilizes the variance at 1. The idea of this test comes from Johnson and Kiang (1976) Biophys J 16:719-734 and the variance stabilization transformation is discussed in Freeman and Tukey (1950) Ann Mathematical Statistics 21:607-611.

test_rt = function(ref_train, 
                   nbins=50, ## the number of breaks in the histogram
		   single_trial_duration = ceiling(max(c(ref_train,test_train))/sampling_frequency), 
                   xlab="Recurrence time (s)",
                   ylab="Stabilized counts - stabilized expected counts",
		   subdivisions = 10000, ## argument of integrate
                   ... ## additional parameters passed to plot
                   ) {
    rt = ref_train/sampling_frequency
    tt = test_train/sampling_frequency
    rt_L = vector("list",0)
    tt_L = vector("list",0)
    idx_max = max(c(rt,tt))%/%single_trial_duration
    if ( idx_max == 0) {
        rt_L = list(rt)
        tt_L = list(tt)
    } else {
        idx = 0
        while (idx <= idx_max) {
            start_trial_time = idx*single_trial_duration
            end_trial_time = start_trial_time + single_trial_duration
            rt_t = rt[start_trial_time <= rt & rt < end_trial_time]
            tt_t = tt[start_trial_time <= tt & tt < end_trial_time]
            if (length(rt_t) > 0 && length(tt_t) > 0) {
                rt_L = c(rt_L,list(rt_t-start_trial_time))
                tt_L = c(tt_L,list(tt_t-start_trial_time))
            idx = idx + 1
    tt_isi_L = lapply(tt_L,diff)
    it = unlist(tt_isi_L)
    p_it=ecdf(it) ## ECDF of ISI from test
    s_it=function(t) (1-p_it(t))/mu_it ## expected density of FRT/BRT under the null
    ## Get the BRT and FRT
    res = lapply(1:length(rt_L),
                 function(idx) {
                     rt_t = rt_L[[idx]]
                     tt_t = tt_L[[idx]]
                     rt_t = rt_t[min(tt_t) < rt_t & rt_t < max(tt_t)]
                     RT = sapply(rt_t,
                                 function(t) c(max(tt_t[tt_t<=t])-t,
    frt = sort(unlist(lapply(res, function(l) l[2,])))
    brt = sort(-unlist(lapply(res, function(l) l[1,])))
    n = length(frt)
    frt_h = hist(frt,breaks=nbins,plot=FALSE)
    frt_c_s = sqrt(frt_h$counts)+sqrt(frt_h$counts+1) ## stabilized version of the FRT counts
    ## expected FRT counts under the null
    frt_c_e = sapply(1:(length(frt_h$breaks)-1),
                     function(i) integrate(s_it,frt_h$breaks[i],frt_h$breaks[i+1],subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
    frt_c_e_s = sqrt(frt_c_e*n) + sqrt(frt_c_e*n+1) ## stabilized version of the expected FRT counts
    brt_h = hist(brt,breaks=nbins,plot=FALSE)
    brt_c_s = sqrt(brt_h$counts)+sqrt(brt_h$counts+1) ## stabilized version of the BRT counts
    ## expected BRT counts under the null
    brt_c_e = sapply(1:(length(brt_h$breaks)-1),
                     function(i) integrate(s_it,brt_h$breaks[i],brt_h$breaks[i+1],subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
    brt_c_e_s = sqrt(brt_c_e*n) + sqrt(brt_c_e*n+1) ## stabilized version of the expected BRT counts
    X = c(rev(-brt_h$mids),frt_h$mids)
    Y = c(rev(brt_c_s-brt_c_e_s),frt_c_s-frt_c_e_s)

4.2 Functions for use after a call to sort_many_trials

4.2.1 counts_evolutions

Plots the evolution of the counts attributed to each neuron in the model together with the number of unclassified events.

counts_evolution = function(smt_res ## result of a sort_many_trials call
                           ) {
    nbc = length(smt_res$centers)
    the_pch = if (nbc<10) c(paste(1:nbc),"?")
                  else c(paste(1:9),letters[1:(nbc-9)],"?")
            main="Counts evolution",xlab="Trial index",ylab="Number of events")

4.2.2 waveform_evolution

Plots the evolution of the waveform / templates of each neuron

waveform_evolution = function(smt_res, ## result of a sort_many_trials call
                              threshold_factor=4, ## threshold used
                              ) {
    nbc = length(smt_res$centers)
    nt = length(smt_res$trial_nbs)
    for (i in 1:nbc) {

4.2.3 cp_isi

Plots the observed counting process together with the ISI density for each neuron in the model.

cp_isi=function(smt_res, ## result of a sort_many_trials call
                inter_trial_time=10, ## time between trials in seconds
                sampling_rate=15000, ## sampling rate in Hz
                nbins=50, ## number of bins for isi histogram
                isi_max=1, ## largest isi in isi histogram
                ) {
    t_duration = inter_trial_time
    n_trials = length(smt_res$trial_nbs)
    nbc = length(smt_res$centers)
    still_there = nbc - sum(sapply(smt_res$spike_trains,
                                       is.null(l) || length(l) <= n_trials))
    for (cn in names(smt_res$spike_trains)) {
        if (is.null(smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]) || length(smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]) <= n_trials) next
        st = smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]/sampling_rate
             main=paste("Observed CP for unit",cn),
             xlab="Time (s)",ylab="Nb of evts",type="s")
        isi = diff(st)
        isi = isi[isi <= isi_max]
             main=paste("ISI dist for unit",cn),
             xlab="Interval (s)",ylab="Density (1/s)")

4.2.4 cp_isi_raster

Plots the observed counting process together with the ISI density and the raster for each neuron in the model.

cp_isi_raster=function(smt_res, ## result of a sort_many_trials call
                      inter_trial_time=10, ## time between trials in seconds
                      sampling_rate=15000, ## sampling rate in Hz
                      nbins=50, ## number of bins for isi histogram
                      isi_max=1, ## largest isi in isi histogram
                      ) {
    t_duration = inter_trial_time
    n_trials = length(smt_res$trial_nbs)
    nbc = length(smt_res$centers)
    still_there = nbc - sum(sapply(smt_res$spike_trains,
                                       is.null(l) || length(l) <= n_trials))
    for (cn in names(smt_res$spike_trains)) {
        if (is.null(smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]) || length(smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]) <= n_trials) next
        st = smt_res$spike_trains[[cn]]/sampling_rate
             main=paste("Observed CP for unit",cn),
             xlab="Time (s)",ylab="Nb of evts",type="s")
        isi = diff(st)
        isi = isi[isi <= isi_max]
             main=paste("ISI dist for unit",cn),
             xlab="Interval (s)",ylab="Density (1/s)")
             xlab="",ylab="",main=paste("Raster of unit",cn))
        for (t_idx in 1:n_trials) {
            sub_st = st[(t_idx-1)*t_duration <= st &
                        st < t_idx*t_duration] - (t_idx-1)*t_duration
            if (length(sub_st) > 0)
                points(sub_st, rep(t_idx,length(sub_st)), pch=".")

Author: Christophe Pouzat

Created: 2016-12-09 ven. 21:25
